MUSE Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
Verb I could sell the house, she mused, but then where would I go? Noun (2) where is the muse who will sing of this man's great and noble deeds? Recent Examples on the Web
MUSED | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
MUSED definition: 1. past simple and past participle of muse 2. to think about something carefully and for a long…. Learn more.
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Mused - definition of mused by The Free Dictionary
Define mused. mused synonyms, mused pronunciation, mused translation, English dictionary definition of mused. think, ruminate on, dream, ponder, contemplate: I mused on his offer for a long time. Not to be confused with: mews – soft, high-pitched sounds of cats or...
Muse - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms | Vocabulary.com
Other forms: mused; musing; muses. As a verb, to muse is to consider something thoughtfully. As a noun, it means a person — especially a woman — who is a source of artistic inspiration. In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences. Today, a muse is a person who serves as an artist's inspiration.
MUSED Synonyms: 39 Similar Words - Merriam-Webster
Synonyms for MUSED: pondered, ruminated, contemplated, meditated, reflected, reminisced, invented, relived, planned, recreated
Muse Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
She mused on the possibility of changing jobs. musing about/over what might have been [+] more examples [-] hide examples [+] Example sentences [-] Hide examples
Museums uniting students and educators in digital and historical exploration. MUSED is a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ program
MUSE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
He has openly mused about deploying libel laws more aggressively, while demonizing the mainstream press at nearly every campaign rally. From Bloomberg She'll sit casually, like a …
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