muMATH - Wikipedia
muMATH is a computer algebra system developed in the late 1970s and early 1980s by Albert D. Rich and David Stoutemyer of Soft Warehouse in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is implemented in the muSIMP programming language which is built on top of a LISP dialect called muLISP.
1986年1月1日 · muMATH is a large library of muSIMP function and variable definitions. It permits the user to carry out symbolic algebraic operations including algebraic simplification, logarithmic and trigonometric expansion, equation solving, vector and matrix manipulation, differentiation, integration, limits and summation.
FormMath for muLISP-87/muMATH | FormMath
muMATH is a computer algebra system (CAS), which was developed in the late 1970s and early eighties by Albert D. Rich and David Stoutemyer of Soft Warehouse in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was implemented in the muSIMP programming language which …
jlfaucher/FormMath: 2D formatter for muMATH - GitHub
muMATH is a computer algebra system (CAS), which was developed in the late 1970s and early eighties by Albert D. Rich and David Stoutemyer of Soft Warehouse in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was implemented in the muSIMP programming language which …
Full text of "TRS-80 Manual: MuMath and MuSimp (1980)(Soft …
A superset of LISP, muSIMP is especially suited to programming interactive symbolic mathematics and other artificial intelligence applications. The Creators muMATH and muSIMP were developed by Dr. David Stoutemeyer and Al Rich of The Soft Warehouse, Honolulu, HI.
implements an exciting new symbolic math system on the TRS-80. The. language. In addition to allowing direct entry of equations, muMATH provides such powerful features as exact …
MuSimp/MuMath-80: A Symbolic Mathematics System. - ERIC
Reviews the latest version of "muSimp/muMath-80," discussing the muSimp language and muMath applications. The package comes with a variety of muMath source files (including lessons, five teaching features of ARITH and ALGEBRA files and five teaching the muSimp language) and is capable of handling a wide variety of symbolic mathematics problems.
muMATH [Homecomputer DDR]
2012年1月28日 · Computer-Algebra-System für CP/M. muMATH (manchmal auch myMATH geschrieben) war seinerzeit ein beeindruckendes Stück Software: Ein Programm, das mit Zahlen beliebiger Länge rechnen konnte, Gleichungen mit Variablen algebraisch löste u.v.m. Und das alles mit den beschränkten Speicher- und Rechenkapazitäten von CP/M!
Brief History of muMATH / DERIVE
written in various forms of LISP • muSIMP (micro(µ) S ymbolic IMP lementation)muLISP
Microsoft muMATH/muSIMP-80 : The Soft Warehouse - Archive.org
2023年4月1日 · Microsoft muMATH/muSIMP-80 by The Soft Warehouse. Publication date 1981 Topics Apple 2, Apple II, muMATH, muSIMP Collection manuals_various; manuals; additional_collections Language English Item Size 198.0M . Microsoft muMATH/muSIMP-80. Symbolic Mathematics System.