Moynaq - Wikipedia
Moynaq, also spelled as Muynak (Karakalpak: Мойнақ, romanized:Moynaq; Russian: Муйнак, romanized:Muynak; Uzbek: Moʻynoq), is a city in northern Karakalpakstan, an autonomous republic in Uzbekistan.
Muynak - Uzbekistan
Muynak is a city of the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, which is a part of Uzbekistan. It is located 200 km from Nukus and was once located on the shores of the Aral Sea. Now this city attracts tourists who love extreme travel.
Muynak, Uzbekistan - uzbek-travel.com
Muynak (Moynoq, in Uzbek Latin, Mojnak in Karakalpak) was once the largest port on the Aral, a finger of coast where a significant part of the Aral catch was processed and canned. In 1921 as the Volga region suffered a terrible famine, Lenin appealed to t
木伊那克(乌兹别克语:Mo'ynoq;卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦语:Moynaq),是在卡拉卡尔帕克斯坦自治共和国北部、乌兹别克西部的城市。 由于咸海面积不断缩小,威胁到当地以捕鱼维生的人,使得人口大量移出。
Muynak, Uzbekistan: A Visit to the Aral Sea Ship Graveyard
2023年3月23日 · For many years, the town of Muynak was a bustling fishing port, laying on the banks of the abundant Aral Sea. At the time, the Aral Sea was the 4th largest inland salt sea in the world. But the need for water to support cotton farming led to irrigation of the two river systems that supplied the Aral Sea.
穆伊纳克最引人注目的特色是它的“船舶墓地”,废弃的船只搁浅在沙漠中。 这些船只曾经用于捕鱼和运输,现在成为过去时代的遗迹。 游客可以在这些生锈的船体之间漫步,想象咸海充满生机的时代。 这些曾经在咸海航行的远洋船只现在被遗弃、生锈,并沉入不存在的深渊。 咸海消失后,留下了一片有毒的盐滩和沙尘暴,严重影响了当地居民的健康和生计。 气候发生了剧烈变化,沙尘暴将海底的盐分吹散到数千公里之外,给当地居民带来了呼吸系统疾病和其他健康问题。 生态 …
How To Visit Moynaq And The Aral Sea Disaster In Uzbekistan
2025年1月2日 · Here’s the complete travel guide on how to visit Moyaq and the Aral Sea in Uzbekistan, including info on what happened to the Aral Sea, what is there to visit in Moynaq, how to visit the ship graveyard, is it safe to visit the Aral Sea disaster, is …
为什么是 Muynak? – Muynak – 官方網站
我曾经去过这座城市,读了很多关于它的文章。那里的戏剧氛围给我留下了深刻的印象。 这是咸海灾难更为真实的地方。下面有一段视频,里面有我的照片和音乐。配乐是《咸海颂(一首小交响曲)》,取自单曲《Ode to the aral sea》。
穆伊纳克:咸海边上的幽灵渔港 | 对话地球
2010年8月11日 · 六七十年代,苏联开始大量开发中亚地区的棉花产业,把从天山、昆仑山流入咸海的阿姆河河水引到乌兹别克斯坦西部和土库曼斯坦的沙漠地区。 由于土质差,1960-1980年棉花总产量仅增长了20%,但流入咸海的水量减少了90%——种植棉花需要大量的水。 80年代末,咸海水面下降,变成南北两部分,东、南部海岸线后退了80公里。 咸海南岸的穆伊纳克变成一座沙漠里的城市,干涸的湖床上只留下过去渔船。 缺水伴随着天气恶化,冬夏温差增大,旱季从过去 …
Muynak, Cities of Uzbekistan, Tours to Uzbekistan
Muynak was a wealthy port island in the delta of the Amu Darya - the main sea gate of Uzbekistan. The ships came loaded with fuel, food and fish, and left Uzbekistan with bales of cotton.