Microvascular Fragments Protect Ischemic Musculocutaneous Flap …
2023年5月16日 · The injection of MVF reduced necrosis of the ischemic flap tissue by ~20%. When compared to controls, MVF-injected flaps also displayed a significantly higher functional capillary density and number of newly formed microvessels in the transition zone, where vital tissue bordered on necrotic tissue.
Adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments promote ...
2022年7月26日 · Adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments (MVF) represent powerful angiogenic units that have been used to enhance the vascularization of skin substitutes. 16 –20 In contrast to single cells, the isolation protocol for MVF is characterized by a shorter enzymatic adipose digestion, retaining a physiological microvessel morphology. 21 ...
问:什么是微血管片段? - 知识科普—干细胞治疗新闻中心 - 2025 …
结果表明,加入MVF的脂肪类器官含有成熟的脂肪细胞和完善的血管网络,移植后可减少胶原沉积和真皮厚度,减轻真皮纤维化。 Emmanuel Ampofo等人通过将胰岛细胞与微血管片段融合来生成血管化的胰岛类器官。 与新鲜分离的胰岛、培养的胰岛和非血管化的胰岛类器官相比,这些分泌胰岛素的类器官表现出更高的血管生成活性。 在体内,血管化的胰岛类器官在移植后通过其微血管与周围血管的相互连接而迅速进行血液灌注,需要较少数量的胰岛移植物恢复糖尿病小鼠的血糖 …
Transplantation of adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments ...
Intramuscular injection of microvascular fragments markedly increased blood flow in the ischemic hindlimbs and alleviated tissue necrosis. The present study suggests that microvascular fragments show improved engraftment efficiency and vasculogenic activity in vivo and are highly useful for treating ischemic diseases and in tissue engineering.
Microvascular Fragments Protect Ischemic Musculocutaneous Flap …
2023年5月16日 · Microvascular fragments (MVF) derived from enzymatically digested adipose tissue are functional vessel segments that have been shown to increase the survival...
Adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments promote ...
2022年7月26日 · MVF injection resulted in reduced hindlimb volumes when compared to non-treated controls. MR lymphography revealed lymphatic regeneration with reduced dermal backflow after MVF treatment. Finally, MVF transplantation promoted popliteal angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis associated with a significantly increased microvessel and lymphatic vessel ...
[PDF] Microvascular Fragments Protect Ischemic ... - Semantic …
2023年5月1日 · The injection of MVF reduced necrosis of the ischemic flap tissue by ~20%. When compared to controls, MVF-injected flaps also displayed a significantly higher functional capillary density and number of newly formed microvessels in the transition zone, where vital tissue bordered on necrotic tissue.
微血管碎片球体:用于组织工程和再生的三维血管化单元,Journal …
脂肪组织衍生的微血管碎片 (MVF) 在组织工程和再生医学中用作血管化单元。 由于三维细胞排列已被证明可以改善细胞功能,我们在此首次生成 MVF 球体,以研究这是否进一步增加了它们的血管化潜力。 这些球体的形态、大小和活力与先前引入的基质血管部分 (SVF) 球体相当。 然而,MVF 球体含有显着更多的 CD31 阳性内皮细胞和 α-平滑肌肌动蛋白 (SMA) 阳性血管周围细胞,导致血管生成发芽活性增强。 因此,它们在移植到小鼠背部皮褶室后也表现出改善的体内 …
(PDF) Microvascular Fragments Protect Ischemic ... - Academia.edu
Microvascular Fragments Protect Ischemic Musculocutaneous Flap Tissue from Necrosis by Improving Nutritive Tissue Perfusion and Suppressing Apoptosis
Systemic low-dose erythropoietin administration improves the ...
Adipose tissue-derived microvascular fragments (MVF) are used as vascularization units in tissue engineering. In this study, we investigated whether the vascularization capacity of MVF can be improved by systemic low-dose erythropoietin (EPO) administration.