Tokyo Marui L96 AWS Arctic Warfare Series Airsoft Sniper Rifle …
FPS Range: 280-300. - Detachable 40 Round Metal Magazine. Same size as real magazines. - Full length inner barrel. Longer than most all other airsoft sniper rifles. Tokyo Marui Co. Ltd is a Japanese manufacturer of airsoft guns and toy cars located in Adachi, Tokyo, and are famous for pioneering the design of battery-powered airsoft guns.
【翔準國際AOG】日本原裝進口 馬牌 MARUI L96 手拉空氣槍,狙 …
喜愛 l96 aws 的朋友有福了. marui 絕對讓你滿足. 絕佳的質感一直都是 marui. 一貫的堅持與要求~~ 還有它的精密度更是無可匹敵!! 狙擊鏡為展示品 可另購
L96 AWS 手拉空氣槍 - KUI
KUI酷愛國際有限公司 [OD綠色]-日本馬牌 MARUI L96 AWS 手拉空氣槍,AWP狙擊槍、BB槍及 瓦斯槍、電動槍、CO2槍、玩具槍、軍品、鋼盔、頭盔、護目鏡、風鏡、迷彩帽、棒球帽、軍服、迷彩服、外套、軍靴、戰術背心、背包及生存遊戲配件全系列商品!! KUI 酷愛國際生存遊戲官方網站 AIRSOFT https://www.kui.com.tw/
TOKYO MARUI L96 AWS Sniper Spring Airsoft – WGC Shop
The cheap plastics, the complicated internals, magazines, and the loading system will not make everybody happy, but in return we get an excellent hopup unit, and some fixes for the old VSR bugs. It's safe to say, this is the best spring-operated L96 replica at the moment. Pictures: http://www.shooter.hu/L96/ Trasher Scorpions Airsoft Team
L96 AWS Bolt Action Sniper Rifle - Tokyo Marui Airsoft
The L96 sniper rifle, a staple in military arsenals, has now found its airsoft counterpart in the form of the L96 AWS. This airsoft replica combines realism with practicality, mirroring not only the unique stock design and movable components but also addressing the previously challenging issue of magazine placement.
Tokyo Marui L96 AWS Airsoft Sniper Rifle - Black (Spring Power)
This spring bolt-action on the L96 AWS from Tokyo Marui is exceedingly smooth and easy to use. Unlike other sniper rifles where you have to use a tiny allen (hex) key to adjust your hop-up, the Tokyo Marui uses a very stable and consistent dial system. Situated on the underside of the handguard in a very accessible location.
Bang Bang Airsoft - Tokyo Marui L96 AWS (OD)
This spring bolt-action on the L96 AWS from Tokyo Marui is exceedingly smooth and easy to use. Unlike other sniper rifles where you have to use a tiny allen (hex) key to adjust your hop-up, the Tokyo Marui uses a very stable and consistent dial system.
Marui L96 AWS BK - Gun Mall Hong Kong
True Military Type Sniper Rifle from Tokyo Marui. High Performance Assembled Spring Powered Airsoft Rifle. Realistic Bolt Action load Bullet on each cock. Achieve 310FPS out from the Box. Equipped with FULL METAL COCKING SYSTEM. Marui's Adjustable HOP-UP System. 500mm Long Precision Barrel offer superior accuracy.
東京マルイ L96 AWS O.D.ストック【エアガン・エアーガン】
L96オリジナルのマウントベース上には、幅20mmのマウントレイルを装備。 対応するスコープなどの光学機器を搭載可能です。 ・プレス仕上げのリアルなマガジン
AI AW/L96A1 ——〖枪炮世界〗
AW 步枪原本 只有 7.62mm NATO口径型,在1998年, AI 公司推出了5.56mm NATO口径的 AW。 标准 的AW 机匣长225mm,圆柱部直径30.5mm,抛壳口位于机匣右侧,长78mm。 机匣由一整块实心的锻压碳钢件机加而成,壁厚,底部和两侧较平,整体式的瞄准镜导轨通过机加生产在机匣顶部。 机匣通过弹匣座附近的螺丝固定在一个铝合金底座上。 机头上周向均匀排列有3个经过热处理的闭锁凸笋,闭锁时枪机旋转60度,通过3个闭锁凸笋与固定在机匣前桥(front action …
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