WESCAM MX™-20, Air Surveillance and Reconnaissance
An Ideal Surveillance Solution for: ISR -High-Altitude; Long-Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) and Persistent Surveillance missions. Airborne Installations: Fixed-wing, Rotary-wing, UAV, Aerostat. Multi-Sensor Imaging/Lasing Payload Options. Enhanced Local Area Processing (ELAP) High-Performance IMU & MX-GEO Software Suite.
WESCAM MX™-20D, Airborne Targeting and Designating
The WESCAM MX-20D EO/IR targeting and designating system – ideal for high-altitude, long-range persistent surveillance, reconnaissance and target acquisition missions from manned and unmanned airborne platforms. Sign up for our monthly newsletter and get the latest News, Awards and Mission Stories.
西安诺瓦星云科技股份有限公司-MX40 Pro / MX30 / MX20 / KU20
支持倍频、插帧、帧频自适应,支持240Hz+高帧频,拍摄顺滑流畅,效率翻倍。 IP端口控制管理,走向平台化,操作命令即传即达;高位深带载不减半,留空不算带载,无矩形框限制,网口带宽物尽其用。 Neutrik加持网口输出,高可靠性连接,确保信息稳定传输。 诺瓦星云是一家专业LED显示解决方案服务商,致力于以技术推动显示行业的产业升级。 凭借持续的创新能力、突出的定制能力、优秀的服务能力、完善的交付能力,赢得了全球客户的信任!
> If you use the MX20 to access or utilize the services or functionality of Microsoft Windows Server products (such as Microsoft Windows Server 2003), or use the MX20 to permit workstation or computing
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Combining digital flat-panel display sophistication with the power of high-speed computer processing, Garmin’s MX20 is a major advance in information technology for the cockpit.
Superior imaging resolution from EO and IR cameras. 2 mega-pixel EO zoom and spotter cameras. True HD Digital Imaging. Compact, efficient and reliable diode-pumped laser. Provides exceptional range through a small divergence high quality beam. IMU Inside technology & exceptional EO/IR sensor range achieves unparalleled designating ranges.
南天Nantian MX20 驱动下载 - 打印机驱动网
2025年2月9日 · 南天Nantian MX20 证卡打印扫描一体 打印机驱动 下载 适用于:Windows XP / Windows 7 / Windows 10 系统。
【索尼MX20】报价_参数_图片_论坛_(SONY)索尼 VPL-MX20报价 …
索尼投影机 VPL-MX20--投影时代产品专区