Logitech G MX518 Gaming Mouse Hero 25K Sensor, 25,600 DPI, …
MX518 is a rebirth of a legend. Now updated with the latest in gaming mouse technology, including our exclusive and most accurate HERO 16K gaming sensor, 1 ms report rate, …
- 评论数: 1228
Logitech G MX518 Legendary Review - RTINGS.com
2020年12月1日 · The MX518 Legendary is a refresh of the original MX518 with an improved sensor, so unsurprisingly, its CPI range is much wider than the G5. It also has a lower lift-off …
2005-2018 我的罗技MX518鼠标收藏 - 什么值得买
2018年10月18日 · 接着罗技推出了小改款---1800dpi的MX518,这批MX518其实比较失败,200dpi的升级聊胜于无,改变了材料的肤质橡胶漆非常容易掉皮,就连掌心的罗技LOGO都 …
Logitech G MX518 (Legendary) Review - TechPowerUp
2019年6月24日 · Logitech's iconic gaming mouse is back, and it's better than ever! The G MX518 (also known as the MX518 Legendary) features the flagship HERO optical sensor, Omron …
Logitech G MX518 Legendary Gaming Mouse Review - IGN
2019年3月18日 · Logitech listened, and has updated and re-released this legendary model, appropriately dubbing it the Logitech G MX518 Legendary (See it at Newegg / See it at …
Logitech G MX518 - Specs, Review, Dimensions, Weight and …
2023年10月27日 · Considering the numbers in which original models are sold, and that people are usually nostalgic Logitech decided to modernize hardware of MX518 and rerelease it as …
- 评论数: 62
MX518 Legendary 为传奇再次充值 - 什么值得买
2018年10月25日 · 最近MX518出了妇科版,同时不再是以G400系列命名了,而是再次回到了MX518的原名,这次的妇科加上了一个后缀Legendary,同时换上了HERO的引擎的,DPI也 …
罗技 MX518 Legendary 评测:十六年前的佳肴,如法炮制
2018年10月30日 · MX518 Legendary 的左右键微动采用的是欧姆龙 D2FC-F-7N(20M),并且在按键柱有响应贴片,所以手感以及使用寿命自然是有所提升的。 只是多少有些遗憾,没有用上 …
《图解装备39》从芯复生的罗技MX518 LEGENDARY - 知乎
MX518 LEGENDARY是基于MX518的传统结构的鼠标,外形追求整体的线条流畅和圆润,稍微欠缺现代设计的锋芒,表面处理有所变化但工艺相似,加上定位的螺丝(藏于脚贴下的3颗)的 …
Logitech MX518 Legendary Review : r/MouseReview - Reddit
2018年12月19日 · The new MX518L (Legendary) is 101 grams according to logitech. The first MX518 is 106g, G400 104g, G400s 109g. This is all without cable.
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