Jeep VIN Decoder - Jeepz.com
Using this tool you can decode your 1972 - present Jeep VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and find out interesting information, such as the year built, engine size, extra options and more. You can replace the last two or three digits of your VIN with XXX if you would like to keep your serial number a secret (i.e. J3F835TA29XXX).
My Jeep Wrangler Bogging, sputtering and losing acceleration
2004年8月8日 · With all the Jeep people in the know around here I am sure I went to the right place for guidance on my ride. Here is my situation - 1997 Jeep Wrangler 4.0 137,000 mi. It is strange but my problem is off and on. My Jeep sputters, loses accelation and makes a bubbling popping sound when I hit the gas (also my RPMs drop).
Steering too easy on TJ | Jeepz.com
2015年12月18日 · I'll check for a shop, btw the way heres jeep dealer response about steering box which had a small number on cap of 5689010. "The part number you provided is a General Motors part number. From this information it appears that somebody retrofitted GM parts onto your Jeep Vehicle.
Gurgling Noise | Jeepz.com
2009年1月15日 · WK(Grand Cherokee) are notorious for a plugged HVAC drain tube. unfortunately, it's location to view from the outside is impossible due to the Unibody framework. the # 1 cause for the sloshing noise is the accumulation of water or Moisture in the housing. in time this will also cause a Musky smell when the a/c or heater is in use.this will eventually develop Mold in the evaporator and heater ...
Pulling to the right when braking - Jeepz.com
2012年4月6日 · Just replaced the seals on my calipers because of pulling to the right when braking. When I pulled out the caliper pistons I found they had been jamming inthe caliper. A good clean, new pistons (steel) and seals fixed the problem. Cheers. Minmoocher. Aus.
Exhaust fumes inside the cockpit | Jeepz.com
2005年11月30日 · In reference to the exhaust position, the exhaust should not be in the center rear of the portion of the Jeep. it should be to the passenger side, but it is pointed towards the rear. If you have the exhaust in the CENTER of the jeep pointing out backwards then you will have a problem because of the back draft.
trouble removing d-rings shackles from my new to me rock slide ...
2021年3月16日 · sorry if it has been already covered.i had no luck on the search engine.i soaked my d-rings 2 nights with pb blaster they will not budge.how can i remove them.i need to get them off before i get my bumpers line-x.
My New 2010 Wrangler Rubicon (unlimited Mango Tango)
2010年6月22日 · First of all, I do take my Jeep offroad, but I totalled one a few years back so if I want intense offroading, I am usually on my 4 wheeler. I really like trail riding with some nice rock obstacles, I am scared of water because I get really ballzy around it and end up doing something dumb (Think Bismark) It is my daily driver after all.
'82 CJ7 Misfire - Jeepz.com
2011年5月8日 · Finally got my jeep running. I've converted to Howell Fuel Injection and a GM HEI distributor. I noticed a misfire at acceleration and normal driving speed. I have replaced all the distributor components. Timing set at 6 degs. BTDC. With the vacuum advance disconnected, using a timing light, I...
TPS error P0123 help - Jeepz.com
2009年6月23日 · The semi-final test (before I replace the clockspring) was a test drive. That went very well. My Jeep runs great. I suppose the new plug wires, Dist. cap, etc from my initial shot at repairing the stumble helps. No stumbling at cruise RPM, no CEL, just good Jeep driving. I do not have a horn though.