Mihimihi - akomanga
Click the button below, download and print. Tailor your mihi to the kaupapa of the day/ hui / gathering. You may want to translate any kupu you don't understand. Practice until you feel confident to stand and deliver your mihimihi without reading it.
Learn your mihi - Te Rangaihi Reo Māori
We have created a tool so that you can introduce yourself in te reo Māori. This short mihi proclaims who you are and where you come from by saying your name, where your ancestors come from - if you want to or can - and where you live. A mihi (or mihimihi) is an introduction which can take place at the beginning of a gathering or meeting.
My Mihi Template by Ellen Williams - TPT
Create meaningful connections with My Mihi Template, a beautifully designed resource that guides learners through crafting their own mihi (personal introduction) in te reo Māori. This customizable template supports students in exploring their identity, cultural heritage, and sense of belonging while...
Editable Write a Māori Mihi - Printable Mihi Template
Write down what you've said in te reo Māori and repeat it - so children can see and hear the words to help build their association between the sound and meaning. After, write the English translation underneath! Our Māori mihi template is a fun activity for any New Zealand class -it'll make the perfect entry point to the new school year!
- 评论数: 13
Mihimihi Planning Template - Manawa Māori
Continue a meaningful journey with our comprehensive Mihimihi Planning Template. Mihimihi, or introductions, are integral to Māori culture and allow us to introduce ourselves and acknowledge our ancestry. Our five-page template covers all your planning needs: Brainstorming spaces to spark ideas. Visual pages for sketches and pictures
Mihimihi and Pepeha templates - ANZAAE
Mihimihi and Pepeha templates for Māori, Tauiwi and Pākeha from Auckland Libraries.
Culturally Safe Mihimihi for non Māori - Taiuru & Associates Ltd
Mihimihi template. This template has been adapted from Otago University Māori/Indigenous Health Institute (MIHI) for non-Māori staff to be able to participate in a culturally safe pepeha/mihihi using their personal information.
FREE Mihi/Pepeha template {1-cut-book} - Green Grubs Garden …
This little one cut ‘Mihi/Pepeha’ booklet and matching colouring sheet is a great scaffold to support your students with learning their mihi! The small size is perfect for holding discretely in your palm for quick reference during assembly or in class, and the pictures provide extra guidance for your little ones.
Editable Write a Māori Mihi - Printable Mihi Template - twinkl.my
Write down what you've said in te reo Māori and repeat it - so children can see and hear the words to help build their association between the sound and meaning. After, write the English translation underneath! Our Māori mihi template is a fun activity for any New Zealand class -it'll make the perfect entry point to the new school year!
Mihi Resource - Digital Download - Reo Māori Mai
7 options for mihi with: suggestions for who each version might be suitable for, hints and tips for how to tailor your mihi, bilingual/translated versions, and 'fill in the blank' templates; Check out our blog post around mihi & kōrero tuakiri for some more insight into the concepts and language around introduction and identity.