Miyamoto Sanmon - Crows x Worst Wiki
Miyamoto Sanmon also known as Rocket is a delinquent at Suzuran All-Boys High School. Rocket seems to initially have a bleak outlook of Suzuran, seeing it as nothing more than a graffiti covered trash heap of a school. However, Sajima explains …
Miyamoto Sanmon | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Miyamoto Sanmon also known as Rocket is a delinquent at Suzuran All-Boys High School. Tier: 9-B. Name: Miyamoto Sanmon, Rocket. Origin: Worst. Gender: Male. Age: 15. Classification: Human, Delinquent, Suzuran student. Powers and Abilities: Reputation: Known as a super strong delinquent from Suzuran with the nickname "Rocket" [1].
Suzuran All-Boys High School - Crowsxworstnewgen Wiki
Miyamoto Sanmon reigns as the school's strongest man in his third year. The school is considered one of the Big Four of Toarushi, the town and primary setting of the Crows x Worst series. Suzuran All Boys High School's history is filled with fighting, internally and externally, spanning over generations.
The Last Worst - MangaDex
As of May 2018, the last work in Takahashi Hiroshi's Crows x Worst universe by the original author himself. A two chapter gaiden story about a younger generation of Suzuran's crows, released in 2015. The story takes place a year after the ending of Worst, when Sajima Yousuke and Miyamoto Sanmon are seniors at Suzuran High School.
The Last Worst | Crows x Worst Wiki | Fandom
The Last Worst takes place a year after the ending of Worst, when Sajima Yousuke and Miyamoto Sanmon are seniors at Suzuran High School. List of characters appeared in The Last Worst.
Sanmon Miyamoto (Worst) - MyAnimeList.net
Sanmon Miyamoto Rocket transferred to Suzuran sometime during the war with the Manji Empire in Worst, during Hana's final year. He made a name for himself by defeating First Year War champ Sajima Yousuke.
15 Pemimpin Suzuran dari Masa ke Masa dan Faksinya. Tahu?
2023年9月9日 · Pemimpin Suzuran dari masa ke masa selanjutnya adalah Miyamoto Sanmon. Ia merupakan suksesor dari Daizen Tsutomu. Sama seperti pendahulunya, ia pertama kali diperkenalkan lewat manga Worst. Karena kekuatannya, Miyamoto Sanmon ini dijuluki dengan nama Rocket. Ia menjadi pemimpin Suzuran terakhir yang muncul di …
10 Siswa Terkuat Suzuran di Manga Crows X Worst, Siapa
2023年10月17日 · Miyamoto Sanmon diperkenalkan lewat manga berandalan The Last Worst. Pria yang memiliki panggilan Rocket ini memang sudah diakui sebagai orang terkuat di Suzuran setelah eranya. Meski begitu, Rocket bukanlah orang yang punya visi besar. Rocket terlihat lebih mirip seperti Rindaman dan Hanaki Guriko.
Miyamoto Sanmon - NamuWiki
2025年1月27日 · Sanmon, who reigned as the pinnacle of Toaru City at the time by defeating the outsider and strongest, Tyrone, Mikuni of Housen, and Ifin of Lindo, is seen in the Lindaman and Guriko positions, and is seen as one of the most powerful players in Suzuran of all time.
Setelah Hana Tsukishima Lulus, Inilah 3 Pentolan Baru SMA …
2020年10月31日 · Bisa dibilang, Miyamoto Sanmon terasa sebagai tokoh utama baru setelah Hana lulus. Di Last Worst pun dia ini tokoh sentral ceritanya. Selain dari segi kekuatan, Sanmon juga memiliki faktor yang sama dengan Bouya Harumichi, Hana Tsukishima, dan Genji Takiya: dia juga adalah murid pindahan.