Endogenous slow and fast myosin dynamics in myofibers isolated …
2022年8月3日 · To elucidate those dynamics, here we generated mice expressing green fluorescence protein-tagged slow myosin heavy chain (GFP-Myh7) and Kusabira Orange fluorescence protein-tagged fast myosin heavy chain (KuO-Myh1).
An ordered assembly of MYH glycosylase, SIRT6 protein …
2020年9月9日 · MYH glycosylase activity is enhanced by Rad9-Rad1-Hus1 (9-1-1) checkpoint clamp and SIRT6 histone/protein deacetylase. Here, we show that MYH, SIRT6, and 9-1-1 are recruited to confined oxidatively damaged regions on telomeres in mammalian cells.
Expressed MYH, SIRT6, Hus1, and Rad9 are recruited to oxidatively ...
GFP-tagged hMYH and hSIRT6 proteins were active because they could reduce 8-oxoG levels in the respective knockout cells following peroxide treatment (see Supplementary Figures 1A and 1B)....
A fast Myosin super enhancer dictates muscle fiber phenotype …
2022年2月24日 · By 4C-seq we show that active fast Myosin promoters interact with this super-enhancer by DNA looping, leading to the activation of a single promoter per nucleus. A rainbow mouse transgenic model of...
SIRT6 protein deacetylase interacts with MYH DNA glycosylase, …
2015年6月11日 · SIRT6, a member of the NAD + -dependent histone/protein deacetylase family, regulates genomic stability, metabolism, and lifespan. MYH glycosylase and APE1 are two base excision repair (BER) enzymes involved in mutation avoidance from oxidative DNA damage.
Myosin 9 and N-glycans jointly regulate human papillomavirus entry
2024年2月1日 · Myosin-9 maldistribution by ML-7 or ML-9 significantly inhibited HPV pseudoviruses infection in vitro and in vivo. Meanwhile, N-glycans, especially the galactose chains, may act as the decoy receptors for HPV, which can block the interaction of HPV to myosin-9 and influence the way of HPV infection.
2023年4月4日 · MYH9与糖原合酶激酶3β(GSK3β)相互作用,通过泛素介导的GSK3β降解,使CTNNB1失调诱导下游肿瘤干性表型、上皮-间充质转化和c-Jun信号传导(c-Jun),c-Jun转录刺激MYH9表达,形成MYH9/GSK3β/CTNNB1/c-Jun反馈回路,并促进肝癌的侵袭、转移和干性 [20]。 前人报道了MYH9在NSCLC组织中更恶性,是一个预后不良的指标 [21];MYH9也可以通过调节mTOR信号通路来调节肺癌细胞的干细胞样特征,过表达MYH9增强了干细胞样特性,促 …
Heterogeneous activation of a slow myosin gene in proliferating ...
2015年6月1日 · GFP staining was used to enhance YFP signal to confirm Myh7 activation or lack of Myh7 activation in the sorted YFP + and YFP − cells after differentiation. MY32 signaling indicates expression of fast myosin heavy chain and MF20 signal indicates pan-sarcomeric myosin heavy chain.
Myh11-Cre-GFP小鼠 - shulb.com
Myh11-Cre-GFP小鼠是一种在肌动蛋白重链11(Myosin heavy chain 11, Myh11)基因座插入Cre重组酶和绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因的转基因小鼠模型。Myh11是平滑肌细胞特异性的肌动蛋白,在平滑肌细胞中起着关键的收缩作用。
A 5'-flanking region of embryonic-type myosin heavy chain gene, MYH…
In this study, we examined spatio-temporal expression patterns of this gene during development by injecting expression vectors containing the GFP reporter gene fused to the 5'-flanking region of MYH (M)₇₄₃₋₂ into fertilized eggs of zebrafish and medaka.