Myling - Wikipedia
In Scandinavian folklore, the mylingar were the phantasmal incarnations of the souls of children that had been forced to roam the earth until they could persuade someone (or otherwise cause enough of a ruckus to make their wishes known) to bury them properly.
Myling | Phasmophobia Wiki | Fandom
The Myling is a type of ghost in Phasmophobia. It is distinct for being more talkative on the Parabolic Microphone, but very quiet when hunting. The Myling produces paranormal sounds (that can only be heard through a Parabolic Microphone) more often than other ghosts.
Children of the Night – Scandinavian Archaeology
2021年10月20日 · Mylingar are ghost children—often children born of non-matrimonial relations between a man and a woman that resulted in an unwanted pregnancy.
Mylings: Vengeful Spirits of Abandoned Children – LoreThrill
Mylings are the restless spirits of children that were abandoned by their parents to die. They’re also known as mylingar (Swedish), utburd (Norwegian), or ihtiriekko/liekkö/sikiӧ (Finnish) – most of these names translate roughly to “ outside ” or “ outsider.”
Scandinavian Folklore & Ghost Stories
2024年10月20日 · Myling: Scandinavian folklore ‘s child ghost. Definitely the most disturbing of the ghost stories, Myling narratives tell the story of unwanted or murdered children. Sometimes the ghosts are also referred to as utburd, meaning “that which is outside.”
Myling - Cryptid Wiki | Fandom
In Scandinavian folklore, the Mylingar were the phantasmal incarnations of the souls of children that had been forced to roam the earth until they could persuade someone (or otherwise cause enough of a ruckus to make their wishes known) to bury them properly.
Myling (Mythical Creature) - Mythical Encyclopedia
Myling is a mythical creature that originated from Scandinavian folklore. It is believed that Mylings are the spirits of abandoned children who were left to die in the wilderness. According to legend, the Myling’s existence is a result of a mother killing her unwanted child.
How to identify a Myling in Phasmophobia - Pro Game Guides
2022年8月6日 · A Parabolic Microphone has a chance of displaying a Myling's strange sounds to the player holding it. A Myling is said to be quieter when hunting, but this fact is misleading to players who aren't aware of how the mechanic works. This is …
Myling - Villains Wiki | Fandom
Mylingar are paranormal souls of unbaptized children. They're victims of infanticide that are forced to roam Earth until someone can bury them properly or give them a name. The Myling is created when a child is unwanted and gets killed or abandoned by their mother.
Myling - Wikiwand
In Scandinavian folklore, the mylingar were the phantasmal incarnations of the souls of children that had been forced to roam the earth until they could persuade someone (or otherwise cause enough of a ruckus to make their wishes known) to bury them properly.