People's Progressive Party (Malaysia) - Wikipedia
The People's Progressive Party (myPPP; Malay: Parti Progresif Penduduk) is a multiracial political party in Malaysia and was one of the component members of the National Front or Barisan Nasional coalition from 1973 to 2018.
人民進步黨 (馬來西亞) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
人民进步党 (馬來語: Parti Progresif Penduduk;英語: People's Progressive Party ),"进步党"(简称为"进步党")是 马来西亚 的一个政党。 2019年1月14日,由于缺乏主席担任,该党被解散,即使社团注册局未批准人民进步党的注册。 然而,该党在2023年得以重新注册,为其未来的政治活动重新铺平了道路。 该党之前是执政党联盟 国阵 的成员党之一,是多元种族政党。 [1] 直到2018年5月9日大选落败,正式被希望联盟终结61年的执政地位。 1953年,昔尼瓦沙甘兄弟 …
MyPPP - Homepage
myPPP adalah sebuah parti politik yang dipimpin oleh Pemangku Presiden, Dato' Dr.Loga Bala Mohan Jaganathan.
MyPPP - Index
myPPP is a political party led by the Acting President, Dato' Dr. Loga Bala Mohan Jaganathan. Get To Know Us. Latest. Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi arrived at the MyPPP 2024 General Assembly . Watch Now . 71st MyPPP General Assembly.
Welcome to myPPP Membership Management System
Welcome to PPP Online Management System ; PPP Members Login ; UserID : * Password : *
MyPPP saga: Delegates elect new supreme council ... - New Straits …
KUALA LUMPUR: The end of MyPPP saga could finally be in sight as over 1,200 party delegates convened at its annual general assembly, held for the first time in almost five years.
People's Progressive Party (Malaysia) - Wikiwand
The People's Progressive Party (myPPP; Malay: Parti Progresif Penduduk) is a multiracial political party in Malaysia and was one of the component members of the National Front or Barisan Nasional coalition from 1973 to 2018.
MyPPP - About
MMyPPP (formerly known as PPP) was established on April 10, 1953, in the state of Perak as a political party named The Perak Progressive Party by the Seenivasagam brothers and became one of the opposition parties to the main Alliance Party at that time.
MyPPP returns after long hiatus | Malaysia - The Vibes
2024年4月30日 · AFTER four years of hiatus due to infighting, the People's Progressive Party (MyPPP) is making a comeback on the Kuala Kubu Baru (KKB) by-election campaign trail
People's Progressive Party (Malaysia) Explained
The People's Progressive Party (myPPP; ms|Parti Progresif Penduduk) is a multiracial political party in Malaysia and was one of the component members of the National Front or Barisan Nasional coalition from 1973 to 2018.
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