Myst - Wikipedia
Myst is an adventure video game designed by Rand and Robyn Miller. It was developed by Cyan, Inc., published by Broderbund, and first released in 1993 for the Macintosh. In the game, the …
Myst - 百度百科
《Myst》是是一款由Cyan公司于1993年推出的一款图形解谜游戏,中国大陆译名为《神秘岛》。 已有五代和一个前传及一款3D版。 游戏的背景设定在一个名为德尼(D'ni)的神秘世界中, …
超现实解谜杰作《神秘岛》系列与传奇工作室Cyan的跌宕起伏史( …
2019年9月6日 · Myst还是电子游戏中“发行平台数量最多”的有力竞争者。即使不把Myst:Masterpiece Edition和realMyst算进来,Myst本身登录的平台除了PC和Mac以外,还 …
Myst Review - IGN
2009年8月13日 · Myst on the PlayStation Portable is actually a good port, despite the load times and the occasional consternation with the controls. The refashioned visuals for the higher …
Myst for PSP - GameFAQs
2009年7月16日 · Journey to an island world eerily tinged with mystery--where every rock, every scrap of paper, every fleeting sound holds a clue to an ancient mystery. Enter, if you dare, a …
问下这是什么平台的攻略?4L说PSP版?PSP也有这个神秘岛?!我怎么还不知道嘞,赶紧找找去。 我玩iPhone版的~~~
Myst ... (PSP) Gameplay - YouTube
Myst gameplay for the Playstation Portable (PSP).Played on the PPSSPP emulator and recorded with a Elgato Game Capture HD.Twitter: https://twitter.com/TENmin...
Myst - Guide and Walkthrough - PSP - By Patt3rson - GameFAQs
2009年1月24日 · There’s a book here linking back to Myst, a furnace that isn’t working and another closed door. At the outside of the house to the left of the door is a pipe you need to …
Myst FAQs, Walkthroughs, and Guides for PSP - GameFAQs
2009年7月16日 · Myst. sold over 500,000 copies in its first year and was the first CD-ROM game to sell more than two million. Within five years, it had made over $100 million in profit. In 2000, …
Myst (series) - Wikipedia
Myst is a franchise centered on a series of adventure video games. The first game in the series, Myst, was released in 1993 by brothers Rand and Robyn Miller and their video game company …
Myst - PlayStation PSP - YouTube
Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Here a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told. Quickly,...
Myst (USA) : Psygnosis : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive
1996年9月30日 · Myst is a first-person point-and-click adventure where the player controls a character known as The Stranger. Magically transported into the world described in the book, …
Myst (2006) | PSP Game - Push Square
Myst (PlayStation Portable Game) first released 13th Oct 2006, developed by Hoplite Research and published by Midway.
Myst - PSP - SPOnG
2006年10月13日 · Myst has been around in one form or another for over a decade at the time of the release of the deep, deeper, deepest role-player for PSP. It’s an immersive experience …
Myst (1993) - MobyGames
2000年3月29日 · Myst is a first-person point-and-click adventure where the player controls a character known as The Stranger. Magically transported into the world described in the book, …
MYST - PSP Gameplay - YouTube
MYST, released on November 30, 2005 for the PSP, is a classic point-and-click adventure game that challenges players to solve intricate puzzles and explore a...
Myst (Japan) ROM (ISO) Download for Sony Playstation Portable / PSP …
Myst (Japan) ISO download is available below and exclusive to CoolROM.com. Download Myst (Japan) ISO to your computer and play it with a compatible emulator. You can also play this …
Myst - Guide and Walkthrough - PSP - By The_Admiral - GameFAQs
2003年12月22日 · Myst gives you the freedom to explore the Ages in any order, so the choice is completely yours. Some Ages are more difficult than others, so you might want to start out with …
Myst (1995) - GameSpot
1993年9月24日 · Embark on an adventure through a mysterious island where clues abound and you must try to reverse a wrong that has gone unchecked for ages.
- 8/10
Myst Review for PSP: You point and click, get over it. - GameFAQs
2004年1月2日 · Myst is a puzzler that’s played through the eyes of our protagonist, Atrus. We’ll find ourselves on the island Myst trying to uncover clues to find our mistress (as I like to think …
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