MythTV+ Ubuntu+ Hauppauge HVR-1955 USB Tuner - MythTV …
2018年3月16日 · I just need the Ubuntu w/ MythTV OS to recognize and install this Hauppauge tuner properly.---OK, b4 ...
Mythtv v.34 - MythTV Official Community Forum
2024年3月28日 · MythTV Official Community Forum. The Official Forums for discussions of all things related to the MythTV Media Center
[Solved] Configuring XMLTV Prior to V31 upgrade - MythTV
2015年11月13日 · Looking at the above, I'm assuming that SD is the name of your MythTV source (which is fine). MythTV appends .xmltv to the source name and looks in the .mythtv directory of the user running the command. That's typically user mythtv when the backend runs it. I did all of my setup as user mythtv and the files appear relative to that user.
MythTV Official Community Forum
2022年12月12日 · Hello All, new MythTV 32.0 user here...running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on a HP laptop. I can't get MythTV to run & I may have messed up - I installed MythTV and then discovered the Control Panel and tried to use it... The MythTV install instructions I used from the MythBuntu wiki: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mythbuntu/32 sudo apt-get update
[Solved] XMLTV Grabber Schedules Direct Sqlite Setup - MythTV …
2023年1月14日 · For those struggling with the “leap” to XMLTV schedules, the following is how I got things working. I installed Ubuntu MATE 22.04 / Mythtv v32 (from the PPA), then used “Jim A’s” outstanding guide.
The future of MythTV - Page 2 - MythTV Official Community Forum
2021年6月18日 · MythTV is far better at scheduling/conflict resolution than other DVRs, but suffers in a few aspects. I'll offer comparisons with TVHeadend that I think it does better. I could also do a list of all the things MythTV does better than TVHeadend so this is not intended in any way as a disservice to the great job the MythTV devs have done.
MythTV Official Community Forum - Index page
2025年3月20日 · MythTV Official Community Forum. The Official Forums for discussions of all things related to the MythTV Media Center
[SOLVED] Moving Recorded TVShows to NAS Fails - MythTV …
2017年12月29日 · I thought about permissions, too, but that doesn't seem to be the problem. User is part of mythtv group, so I should be able to do just about all the things the mythtv user can do. Plus, when I added the mythtv/recordingsNAS directory to the Videos storage group, I could see and play the recording just fine from the Watch Videos menu.
How to build a MythTV v33 system for a Raspberry Pi 4
2015年2月18日 · This topic will give the instructions to build MythTV v33 for running on a 4GB Raspberry Pi 4 (RPI4) running the latest Bullseye 64 bit based on Debian 11 either as a Frontend only or a combination Frontend/Backend (FE/BE). The MythTV developer team and the Raspberry Pi OS team both have made huge improvments to video routines and drivers.
[Solved] subtitles appear too early - MythTV Official Community …
2023年8月17日 · In terms of description, when I watch this through mythtv, every line is subtitled earlier than it is actually said in the audio/video. This happens right from the start. To pick out one example, near the start of the .ts file, the owner of some restaurant is being visited by Gordon Ramsey and he's about to tell her everything is terrible.