Detecting and distinguishing Majorana zero modes with the ... - Nature
2021年6月24日 · Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), with its ability to map the surface topography and probe the local electronic properties of samples with high...
STM study on the vortex states and Majorana zero-modes in
2022年11月17日 · However, the coexisting low-energy bound states in vortex cores often bring difficulties for identifying MZM. In this review, we summarized recent STM studies on the vortex states of electron-doped FeSe-based superconductors such as …
Signatures of hybridization of multiple Majorana zero modes in a …
2024年8月28日 · Our work demonstrates a way to hybridize different MZMs by controlling the orientation of the magnetic field and expands the types of MZM available for tuning topological states. Signatures of...
Detecting and Distinguishing Majorana Zero Modes with the …
2021年3月24日 · In this platform, STM spectroscopic mapping has demonstrated the localized nature of MZM zero-energy excitations at the ends of such chains, while experiments with superconducting and magnetic STM tips have been used …
Ordered and tunable Majorana-zero-mode lattice in naturally …
2022年6月8日 · Here we report the formation of an ordered and tunable MZM lattice in naturally strained stoichiometric LiFeAs by scanning tunnelling microscopy/spectroscopy. We observe biaxial charge density...
Distinguishing a Majorana zero mode using spin-resolved …
2017年10月12日 · High-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) studies have directly visualized MZMs, placed a stringent bound on their splitting (<45 μeV), shown evidence for the predicted equal electron-hole spectral weight using spectroscopy with superconducting tips, provided a detailed understanding of their spatial profile, and revealed the ...
[2404.18578] Scheme for braiding Majorana zero modes in …
2024年4月30日 · Recently conducted experiments on two-dimensional topological superconductors have revealed various indications of Majorana zero modes (MZMs). However, progress in the manipulation of MZM braiding has been limited, impeding the realization of topological quantum computing.
[2308.00930] Searching for Majorana quasiparticles at vortex cores …
2023年8月2日 · Here, we review the recent high-energy-resolution STM/STS experiments on the vortex cores of Fe (Se,Te), where the MZM is expected to emerge, and the energy of the lowest trivial bound states is reasonably high. Tunneling spectra taken at the vortex cores exhibit a ZVBS well below any possible trivial state, suggesting its MZM origin.
用扫描隧道显微镜检测和区分马约拉纳零模,Nature Reviews …
扫描隧道显微镜 (stm) 在寻找这些准粒子的实验特征方面发挥了关键作用。 高分辨率 STM 技术在识别超导体表面的一维磁性原子链中的 MZM 方面的应用可能最能说明它们的威力。
Detecting and distinguishing Majorana zero modes with the …
In this platform, STM spectroscopic mapping has demonstrated the localized nature of MZM zero-energy excitations at the ends of such chains, and experiments with superconducting and magnetic STM tips have been used to uniquely distinguish them from trivial edge modes.