Lightning Arrestor 0-6 GHz NJ-NBHJ - Rfwel Engr E-Store
This lightning suppressor is a gas discharge tube suppressor and features wide-band operation up to 6 GHz. Simply attach the lightning protector to an access point to help protect an entire network, outdoor antennas, and other wireless equipment from the build-up of static electricity. Includes N Jack (Female) to N Jack (Female) Bulkhead Connector.
N-Style Bulkhead Jack to Plug Lightning Arrestor
ATS-00950 (former catalog number ATS-LP-N-BHJ-P). The AccelTex Solutions bi-directional gas discharge tube lightning arrestor protects outdoor equipment from the buildup and discharge of static electricity that affects the operation and lifespan of your network.
0-7 GHz Lightning Arrestor with N Female to N Female Bulkhead ...
Ventev’s Lightning Arrestor is a bi-directional gas discharge tube suppressor that features wide-band operation up to 7 GHz and is rated at IP67. Simply attach the lightning protector to an access point to help protect an entire network, outdoor antennas, and other wireless equipment from the build-up of static electricity.
武汉理工刘丹AFM: 体异质结提高倒置钙钛矿电池的性能
2022年5月11日 · 武汉理工大学刘丹等人 采用p 型体异质结(p-BHJ,即 PCBM 掺杂的 PTAA)和 n 型 BHJ(n-BHJ,即 PBDTTT-C-T 掺杂的 PCBM)电荷转移复合物分别用作空穴和电子传输层,以制造倒置 PSC。 BHJ层中p型和n型有机半导体之间的光致电荷转移为增强的电荷传输和准费米能级分裂提供了额外的光电导率,从而提高了PSC的填充因子和开路电压。 p-BHJ 层有助于提高钙钛矿的结晶度和光吸收,而 n-BHJ 层提供额外的光吸收和电荷产生以提高短路电流。
【有机】武汉理工大学刘丹AFM:光电导型电荷传输材料构筑高性 …
2022年5月17日 · p型体异质结(p-BHJ,即PCBM掺杂PTAA)和n型体异质结(n-BHJ,即PBDTTT-C-T掺杂PCBM)中有机半导体间的光致电荷转移提供了额外的光电导率,增强了电荷传输和准费米能级分裂,从而提高了钙钛矿太阳能电池的填充因子和开路电压。 p-BHJ层还有助于提高钙钛矿的结晶度和光吸收,而n-BHJ层可以提供额外的光吸收和电荷产生,以提高器件短路电流。 以Cs 0.05 (FA 0.92 MA 0.08 ) 0.95 Pb (I 0.92 Br 0.08 ) 3 钙钛矿为光活性层制备倒置器 …
Ventev V-LP-N-P-BHJ Lightning Arrestor 0-7 GHz (N-Female/N …
The V-LP-N-P-BHJ Ventev Lightning Arrester is a bi-directional gas discharge tube suppresser that features a wide band operation of up to 7 GHz. Key Features. 50 ohm impedance. Please contact an RFWEL Remote Power Solutions Specialist if you have questions on the specs. Consider other Related Power Products.
The AccelTex Solutions bi-directional gas discharge tube lightning arrestor protects outdoor equipment from the buildup and discharge of static electricity that affects the operation and lifespan of your network. Must be a reseller to purchase this product.
武汉理工大学刘丹AFM:光电导型电荷传输材料构筑高性能倒置钙 …
2022年5月17日 · p型体异质结(p-BHJ,即PCBM掺杂PTAA)和n型体异质结(n-BHJ,即PBDTTT-C-T掺杂PCBM)中有机半导体间的光致电荷转移提供了额外的光电导率,增强了电荷传输和准费米能级分裂,从而提高了钙钛矿太阳能电池的填充因子和开路电压。 p-BHJ层还有助于提高钙钛矿的结晶度和光吸收,而n-BHJ层可以提供额外的光吸收和电荷产生,以提高器件短路电流。 以Cs0.05 (FA0.92MA0.08)0.95 Pb (I0.92Br0.08)3钙钛矿为光活性层制备倒置器件,p-BHJ …
TerraWave Solutions® Lightning Arrestor With N-Style Jack To N-Style Bulkhead Jack 0-6 GHz TerraWave's lightning suppressor is a gas discharge tube suppressor and features wide-band operation up to 6 GHz. Simply attach the lightning protector to an access point to help protect an entire network, outdoor
N-STYLE ULKHEAD JAK TO PLUG LIGHTNING ARRESTOR ATS-LP-N-HJ-P ELE TRIAL SPEIFIATIONS Frequency Range: D-5.85 GHz enter onductor ontact Resistance: ≤ 1mΩ Impedance: 50Ω Outer onductor ontact Resistance: ≤ 1mΩ Discharge Voltage: 90V Dielectric Withstand: 2500V RMS VSWR: ≤1.3 Insulation Resistance: ≥ 1000MΩ ...