Doubly ionized oxygen - Wikipedia
In astronomy and atomic physics, doubly ionized oxygen is the ion O 2+ (O III in spectroscopic notation). Its emission forbidden lines in the visible spectrum fall primarily at the wavelength …
Why are O III lines so prominent in the spectra of emission …
2017年1月7日 · Looking at spectra of emission nebulae like the Lagoon Nebula, the [O III] [O III] lines are prominent in intensity. However, the abundance of oxygen is minuscule compared to …
业余天文滤镜 - 知乎
最常用的窄带滤镜(narrow bandpass filter--NB filter)是Ha(656.3nm),SII(671.6nm),OIII(500.7nm&496nm),这是根据星云的发射线而设计 …
Eureka, M 27 in NII OIII HeII - Cloudy Nights
2012年11月25日 · Actually you can notice a circular partern in NII slightly below the cone (the tip of the cone is excentered at ~11 oclock, half a radius), so maybe NII came first, interacted with …
Extracting OIII, HA, SII with OSC camera - Cloudy Nights
2024年12月4日 · Now, I'm not entirely sure about SII, but there's a fellow named Rich who has a YouTube channel showing you how to work with some scripts in Siril that will separate Ha and …
[目镜] antlia O-III & H-beta 摄影和目视滤镜目视开光使用体验,与 …
2024年1月4日 · 看了美国某位老白男同好的个人网站上关于光害滤镜的描述,然后对比下Lumicon UHC和Antlia OIII&Hβ的透光曲线,才明白这算是最早针对目视的经典UHC。
帮大家整理了一份这次新出的N27 25B/25G客车车号表图片_火车模 …
在我看来,这次N27出的地方涂装可能有误(就样式而言): 1,合九的硬卧车做错了,我记得塞拉门是0604开头,折页门一般是0601和0602;而且硬座车也做错了,0308开头的是塞拉门, …
Ha, OIII, SII Exposure-Time-Ratio - depending on object
2021年1月5日 · I do my L at 5 minutes, Ha at 10 minutes, and Oiii at 15 minutes, at f/4. The Oiii is seriously underexposed compared to the Ha, and I am planning to increase my exposure time …
诺为N27激光翻页笔 _Norwii/诺为
2024年3月26日 · 诺为N27激光翻页笔具有红色激光,超链接,音量控制 ,功能自定义、软件可升级等功能,非常适合办公演示以及教学讲解。
OIII, also known as the doubly ionized oxygen line or oxygen III emission line, refers to a specific wavelength of light emitted by ionized oxygen gas (O++) in the red part of the electromagnetic …