Nitrogen trioxide | N2O3 | CID 61526 - PubChem
Nitrogen trioxide appears as a blue liquid with a sharp, unpleasant chemical odor. Density 1.447 g / cm3. Low-boiling (boiling point 3.5 °C) and held as a liquid by compression. Partially dissociates into NO and NO2. Strong irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Vapors very toxic by inhalation. Used in special purpose fuels.
Nitrogen trioxide - N2O3, Structure, Molecular Mass, Physical …
Nitrogen trioxide is the chemical name of N2O3. Visit BYJU'S to understand the physical and chemical properties, structure and uses of Nitrogen trioxide (N2O3) explained by India's best teachers.
三氧化二氮 - 百度百科
三氧化二氮,是一种 无机化合物,化学式为N2O3,是一种 酸性氧化物,是 亚硝酸 的酸酐,红棕色气体,低温时为深蓝色液体或固体 [2],溶于苯、甲苯、 乙醚 、氯仿、 四氯化碳 、酸、碱,主要用作火箭燃烧系统中的氧化剂,也可用于制取纯 亚硝酸。 凝聚态的三氧化二氮为绿色至蓝色的液体。 没有固定的沸点,起初放出 NO,于是沸点随之升高。 熔点-103℃,溶于溶剂中呈蓝色。 [4] 两个氮原子通过σ共价键相连,在整个分子中存在着一个五中心六电子的离域 大π键。 氮的 …
Nitrogen Trioxide, …
The boiling-point of liquid nitrogen trioxide is approximately -2° C., although after prolonged drying the boiling-point may rise to 43° C. Under ordinary pressures the liquid is stable up to -21° C.
Notes on Dinitrogen Trioxide, N2O3 - Unacademy
Dinitrogen Trioxide is a deep blue solid with an acidic nature. It has 1.447 g/cm3 density Low-boiling (boiling point 3.5°C) and compressed to keep as a liquid. NO and NO2 are somewhat dissociated. If N2O3 gets into skin, eyes, and mucous membranes are all severely irritated.
Properties, Uses, Structure and Solved Examples - Vedantu
The boiling point and melting point of nitrogen trioxide is 3.5 degrees Celsius and -100.7 degree Celsius. Some other properties of nitrogen trioxide N2O3 are mentioned below: XLogP3-AA – -0.1. Rotatable Bond Count - 0. Exact mass - 75.990892 g / mol. Monoisotopic Mass - 75.990892 g / mol. Topological Polar Surface Area - 75.2 Å2.
A blue liquid with a sharp, unpleasant chemical odor. Density 1.447 g / cm3. Low-boiling (boiling point 3.5°C) and held as a liquid by compression. Partially dissociates into NO and NO2. Strong irritant to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Vapors very toxic by inhalation. Used in …
Dinitrogen trioxide - Wikipedia
Dinitrogen trioxide (also known as nitrous anhydride) is the inorganic compound with the formula N 2 O 3.It is a nitrogen oxide.It forms upon mixing equal parts of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide and cooling the mixture below −21 °C (−6 °F): [4]. NO + • NO 2 ⇌ N 2 O 3. Dinitrogen trioxide is only isolable at low temperatures (i.e., in the liquid and solid phases).
Dinitrogen Trioxide Formula: N2O3 Structure and Properties
2023年9月30日 · Learn about the Dinitrogen Trioxide formula (N2O3), its molecular structure, chemical properties, and its significance in chemistry. Explore N2O3 in detail. Q1. What is dinitrogen trioxide? Q2. How is dinitrogen trioxide formed? Q3. What are the properties of dinitrogen trioxide? Q4. What are the uses of dinitrogen trioxide? Q5.
Nitrogen Oxide (N2o3) - environmentalchemistry.com
Nitrogen Oxide (N2o3) Identifications. CAS Number: 10544-73-7; Synonyms/Related: Nitrogen Oxide (N2o3) Nitrogen trioxide [UN2421] [Poison gas] O2NNO; trioxido-1kappa(2) O,2kappaO-dinitrogen(N--N) Properties. Boiling Point: K °C °F; Flammability: Explosive Limits: Lower Explosive Limit: 0%; Upper Explosive Limit: 0%. Flammable Limits: Lower ...
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