N300 NAS Internal Hard Drive - Toshiba
Toshiba’s N300 NAS internal hard drive is designed to meet the reliability, performance, endurance, and scalability requirements of 24/7 12 network attached storage application for personal, home office and small business use.
Toshiba - Internal Hard Drives - N300 - EMEA
Offering high reliability and scalability, N300 drives achieve a max. 180 TB/year workload factor, up to 3 times more than convenient desktop hard drives. Use of high-endurance components is one of the reasons that the N300 series offers better durability than …
N300 Pro NAS Internal Hard Drive - Toshiba
Discover Toshiba N300 Pro NAS internal HDD with up to 22TB capacity, 24/7 operation, and support for 24 bays. Built for RAID-optimized NAS systems.
N300 Pro系列NAS硬盘-TOSHIBA东芝移动硬盘&内置机械硬盘产品 …
* 外形尺寸:“3.5英寸”是指hdd的外形尺寸,并不表示驱动器的实际大小。 * 工作负载是用于衡量一年的数据吞吐量的指标,其定义是通过主机系统命令编写、读取或验证的数据量。
容量丰富的hdd产品阵容(4tb、6tb、8tb、10tb、12tb、14tb、16tb、18tb、20tb、22tb) 设计和测试工作量高达180TB/年,具有7天24小时可靠性 内置旋转振动(RV)传感器
速度与容量兼得,专为存储而生的NAS 专用硬盘|东芝N300 - 原 …
2024年11月2日 · 东芝 N300 就是东芝专门为 NAS 用户量身打造的系列,该系列硬盘均具备 7200RPM 转速,配备 256MB / 512MB 缓存,提供 SATA3 6Gbps 接口。 容量方面则是覆盖了 4TB ~ 22TB 区间。 所谓的氦气盘,实际上是指内部充入氦气的硬盘。 众所周知,氦气的密度仅为空气的七分之一。 因此,采用氦气作为填充介质的硬盘能够减少盘片间的摩擦力,进而降低能耗和运行温度,提升硬盘的性能与可靠性。 同时,氦气作为一种惰性气体,它不会与任何物质发 …
N300 NAS Hard Drive Copy – Toshiba Storage Asia
n300 磁碟機提供絕佳可靠性與擴充能力,每年最高可達 180 tb 工作負載規格,是一般桌上型電腦硬碟的三倍。 高耐用性和預防過熱 使用高耐用度組件是 N300 系列比其他傳統硬碟機提供更高耐用性的原因之一。
N300 - Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
Toshiba N300 NAS Hard Drive offers unprecedented reliability for NAS and other high-performance storage systems. It is optimized to meet the reliability, endurance, performance and scalability requirements of 24-hour/7-day high-capacity storage. Suitable for personal, home office and small business use.
Toshiba N300 8TB NAS 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive - CMR SATA …
The Toshiba N300 NAS internal hard drive is designed for personal, home office and small business network attached storage (NAS) use. The N300 delivers robust storage capacity and is designed for 24/7 power-on operation(9).
N300 NAS Hard Drives Built for 24/7 reliability The 3.5-inch N300 NAS Hard Drive o˜ers unprecedented reliability for NAS and other high-performance storage systems. It is optimized to meet the reliability, endurance, performance and scalability requirements of 24-hour x 7-day high-capacity storage for personal, home o˜ice and small business use.