BMW N52 - Wikipedia
The BMW N52 is a naturally aspirated straight-6 petrol engine which was produced from 2004 to 2015. The N52 replaced the BMW M54 and debuted on the E90 3 Series and E63 6 Series. The N52 was the first water-cooled engine to use magnesium/aluminium composite construction in the engine block. [1]
The 7 Most Common BMW N52 Engine Problems - BMW Tuning
2019年5月14日 · BMW’s N52 engine is one of its most successful, and most produced inline-6 engines. The N52 was predominately found in the E90 325i, 328i, 330i, and the E60 525i and 528i models, as well as various others such as the 128i, X1, and Z4, to name a few. The N52 was produced from 2004 until 2015 when it was replaced by the turbocharged N20 engine.
BMW 六缸自然進氣引擎N52毛病多嗎?最常見的通病/問題懶人包
BMW的N52是最成功、且產量最高的直列六缸引擎之一。 N52主要用於BMW E90、E91、E92的3系列,以及E60的5系列,還有其他很多型號。 N52從2004年從M54接棒開始生產,一直到2015年被N20四缸渦輪增壓引擎給取代。 BMW的N52引擎採用VANOS可變汽門正時系統,VANOS電磁閥用來調整進氣和排氣凸輪軸的正時。 當VANOS電磁閥故障時,會感覺引擎沒力、轉速反應變慢、耗油、怠速不穩等狀況。 通常會在12萬公里左右時候故障,建議每當12萬公里時,就將耗材 …
BMW 5 Series (E60) - Wikipedia
The E60 was the first 5 Series to be available with a turbocharged petrol engine, a 6-speed automatic transmission and regenerative braking. The M5 model was introduced in 2005 and is powered by the BMW S85 V10 engine. It was sold in the saloon and wagon body styles, with most cars using the 7-speed SMG III transmission.
一代神机N52:宝马直列六缸自然吸气的魅和殇! - 车家号
宝马很多的E系列底盘代号的车型大多数使用的一款发动机,也就是宝马家族的最后一款直列六缸自然吸气发动机—N52系列。 赶快拿出纸和笔记重点! 这台发动机代号为:N52B30,诞生于2001年,广泛装配在很多宝马E系列底盘的车型上,占领统治地位很多年,也是宝马在自然吸气发动机领域的巅峰之作,或者说是在之后的涡轮增压发动机(N54/N55)披挂上阵之前,这台机器曾经是宝马动力的一颗明珠。 这个多年来宝马的王牌发动机,在Bimmer心目中如同神一般存在 …
Every BMW Model Powered By The N52 Engine - SlashGear
2024年5月22日 · BMW's N52 was introduced in the 2000s, and it holds a significant place in the straight-six legacy. This naturally aspirated inline-six gas engine was famous for its smooth power delivery,...
BMW N52 Engine - BMW Tuning
2024年3月2日 · The BMW N52 engine is a naturally aspirated straight-6 engine produced from 2004-2015. Learn about BMW N52 specs, upgrades, & more
BMW N52: Everything You Need to Know - Dust Runners Automotive Journal
2021年5月30日 · BMW N52 is a naturally-aspirated inline-six petrol engine that debuted on the E90 3 series and E63 6 series. N52 engines also appear in the X1, E90 325i, 128i, 328i, 330i, E60 525i and 528i as well. It was produced from 2004-2015 and replaced its straight-six ally, BMW M54, following its production halt in 2006.
BMW N52 Maintenance Schedule and Service notes
2023年1月5日 · E60/E61 has hydraulic lifters. Do not need adjustment. - Hydraulic lifters may have a ticking noise when the engine is cold. You have to drive the engine at higher rpm to allow them to adjust properly-N52 engines made before 2008 have a flawed design that will not push sufficient oil up to the top of the engine. This can cause a ticking sound.
BMW N52 Engine (2004-2015) - Motor Car History
The BMW N52 is a straight-6 DOHC piston engine which was produced from 2004-2015. Compared with its M54 predecessor, the N52 features variable valve lift (called Valvetronic by BMW), a lighter block due to the use of a magnesium alloy and an electric water pump and a variable oil pump.