N64 cpu | Beyond3D Forum
2010年8月5日 · Was the CPU in the N64 more powerful or less powerful than the CPU used by the KI/KI2 Arcade board? What's the difference between the two CPUs? How much more expensive was KI's CPU than the N64's one? The CPU for the N64 is an SGI/MIPS R4300i @ 93.75 MHz. System16 (the website, not the...
Sega Saturn vs N64 hardware wise - Beyond3D Forum
2022年4月19日 · The N64 had ram latency issues & was capped to 4KB textures, The Saturn didn't have that issue. This was the same era where PC games only used the CPU where video cards were seen as more of gimmick.
RDRAM inside the N64 - Beyond3D Forum
2016年3月16日 · Following the purchase of an almost immaculate N64, I've renewed my interest in this little console. We know a lot about the CPU and the RCP. The Rambus memories in it, however remains a rather undeveloped subject. Even in the retro-modding forums all the info I could gather is that they are not...
This is old. About a rumour of N64 that I heard. - Beyond3D Forum
2005年10月6日 · The N64 CPU wasn't even a custom chip, it was (or even is still probably) available to buy as a stand-alone chip with pretty much the exact technical specs as in the N64 (only thing that differed were clock speeds, with some variations of R4400i being faster/slower than in the N64).
N64 RDP/RSP - Beyond3D Forum
2005年1月10日 · I've also worked on N64 games that used custom uCode and clipped on the main CPU. The RSP is completly programmable, but only a very few devs at the end of the N64 lifecycle were given documentation and tools to rewrite the uCode. FWIW writing N64 RSP code (triangle setup in particular) makes writing PS2 VU code look trivial.
Overclock the n64? | Beyond3D Forum
2005年1月2日 · N64 CPU isn't quite a 486, it doesn't have a separate FPU (instead all instructions are run through the same pipe), and its databus is multiplexed with the address bus, which means lower performance.
Texture cache of the N64 vs. that of Playstation - Beyond3D Forum
2018年7月25日 · Quake 3 might use larger textures than 256x256 in some cases. N64 seems quite different to me than the Voodoo ASICs. RSP does sound and graphics for example, being a sort of CPU. The graphics featuresets seem familiar certainly, though N64 has very funky limited precision "trilinear" filtering.
N64, fillrate monster of the previous generation? - Beyond3D Forum
2002年10月16日 · Although I never programmed the N64, and I haven't read any of the open source N64 emulators that are floating around the net, here's what I've gathered from reading various articles: Good features: A much faster CPU than the competition More RAM A programmable vector unit somewhat similar to the VUs on the PS2. A nice clean OpenGL-like API A high quality rasterizer, with a Z buffer, bi-linear ...
Sega Saturn vs N64 hardware wise | Page 2 | Beyond3D Forum
2022年4月29日 · The N64 could've just added 1 ~ 2MB video memory with 220MB/sec with more texture cache without much changes, Pretty much what the PS2 did. With the Saturn may aswell pushed for a ARM7TDMI at 45MHz instead of 3 SH-2's. Sega should've stayed 2 core just beefed up the VDP1 & VDP2 than adding another core, As few games treated both cores as 2 GPU's.
Can PS2 be considered a pure 128 bit machine?? - Beyond3D Forum
2006年6月28日 · As far as I know, Emotion Engine is a 128 bit CPU. The MIPS core could be a 32 bits CPU, but I think general purpose registers are also 128 bits. Maybe I'm getting confused with the FP registers, and EE MIPS core is a 32 bits CPU?? Also, the N64 CPU, a cutomized R4000, is known to be a 64 bits CPU. So, is these web wrong about these info??