Best safe sources for N64 stuff? : r/Roms - Reddit
I'm looking to try out some new emulators for N64 games, so what is now the best source for N64 roms?
No-Intro: Nintendo - Nintendo 64 (2017-01-10) (complete) : …
2017年7月10日 · Here's the complete No-Intro N64 ROM collection. link torrent Visit my page at archive.org
Best N64 ROM hacks (Updated for 2023!) : r/emulation - Reddit
After the publication of my best NES & SNES hacks lists, there were many requests for an N64 list. So, time to create a new list of N64 ROM hacks well worth your time, updated for 2023! …
Cylum's Updated ROM Sets and New Location : r/Roms - Reddit
2020年9月26日 · You can navigate by scrolling down from the top of the page. Each section represents a tab of the Rom Center. For newer roms, go to the popular games tab or the other …
N64 Roms : r/Roms - Reddit
2021年6月20日 · When you go into the mega thread, if you’re on mobile go to the drop down menu and press other. Scroll down until you see N64 with a Link next to it. If you’re on pc, …
Modify N64 Romhacks to Have Unique CRCs : r/n64 - Reddit
2020年6月19日 · What you suggest in your third paragraph is a little beyond me, technically, and any attempts I've made to modify the rom cause the emulator not to load it. I was just trying to …
Where can i find N64 Roms? : r/Roms - Reddit
2023年4月3日 · I'm looking for a rom of Super Mario 64 but i cant find it on the megathread.
Just released: WCW Saturday Night Rom Hack for WM2k
2023年8月16日 · it is a good time to be a steam deck (or original hardware) user - another ROm hack was just released: " Here it is, the release of WCW Saturday Night. This is a rom patch …
Sharing My "Best Of" Rom Packs : r/Roms - Reddit
Thanks for these. Just downloaded all 5 (best of + the RPG sets). Got a Steam Deck for Christmas and plan to use it for some GCN and N64 emulation. Also, my Analogue Pocket just …
Differences between n64 v64 z64 files : r/Roms - Reddit
2020年9月19日 · N64/V64 are stored in Little Endian order, sometimes the N64 is known to be Byteswapped. Z64 is stored in Big Endian order (this is the most used for compatibility with …