alrighty then, who's buying it?? - Pilots of America
2013年3月10日 · OUR Cessna 310 and Hangar For SALE!?!? - YouTube 1973 CESSNA 310Q For Sale in Wayne, Illinois | Controller.com 1973 CESSNA 310Q Multi Engine Piston for sale - …
We are still painting airplanes while the rest of the world...
2019年7月15日 · In the meantime we are still in the business of painting aircraft. We recently finished a sweet looking Cessna 414. And now we are in the process of painting N771BC a …
Anyone recommend a good tutorial for modern GA avionics …
2018年8月16日 · The fact that Garmin G3X Touch will only interface with Garmin navigators (according to Garmin) indicates that these interfaces are not standard. I watch a lot of …
“Waiting for IFR release” - Pilots of America
2010年7月21日 · “Request release N771BC, Runway 27” “Cleared direct destination, released” This is a single push button that activates a shout or ring line where each facility knows whose …
PA32-300. Am I a Cherokee or a Saratoga? | Pilots of America
2013年4月2日 · Flew my 1976 PA-32-300 Piper Cherokee 6 into KHWD yesterday and had a new interaction with ATC in my 300 hours flying this thing over the past 2+ years. Normally, I call …
PA32-300. Am I a Cherokee or a Saratoga? | Page 2 - Pilots of …
2016年12月21日 · When I flew a Cherokee Six, I "upgraded" it to Saratoga on the radio. Couple reasons: primarily because the tail number was N694DB but also because it is easier to say …
Gaston's Fly-In 2017 - Thursday Oct 12-Sunday Oct 15, 2017
2016年10月15日 · I checked the unmentionable and it is improving. I need to stop checking it. I'm giddy. I just loaded up my Garmin with flying music. John Denver, Lynard Skynard, Buddy …