LIN N96248 : NAVIGATION SET: SATELLITE SIGNALS AN/PSN 13 . Number of associated NSN's: 2. Click here to view our complete list of LINs. Previous LIN N96180. NAVIGATION SET: SATELLITE SIGNALS AN/GSN-13. Next LIN > O00003. DO NOT USE. NSN Nomenclature Action; 5825-01-516-8038:
DAGR: Returns and Replacements > Army Sustainment …
2019年8月28日 · The current AN/PSN-13A’s DAGR’s NSN is 5825-01-526-4783, LIN N96248. Only unserviceable DAGRs with serial numbers 0001 through 111,500 should be turned in for replacement. Early DAGRs were...
Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR) - ArmyProperty.com
From the Rockwell-Collins Website: The DAGR incorporates anti-jam improvements for enhanced protection and is the first U.S. handheld GPS receiver program to include the next generation security device, Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM). The Rockwell Collins SAASM includes:
AN/PSN-13 Defense Advanced GPS Receiver - Wikipedia
It is a military-grade, dual-frequency receiver, and has the security hardware necessary to decode the encrypted P (Y)-code GPS signals. Manufactured by Rockwell Collins, the DAGR entered production in March 2004, with the 40,000th unit delivered in September 2005.
Defense Advanced GPS Receiver (DAGR), AN/PSN-13A
N96248 (NAVIGATION SET: SATELLITE SIGNALS AN/PSN 13) Manual: TM 11-5820-1172-13. Public NSN Lists: C 1-43 Commo Hand Receipt,DET Property,CBRN,TROOP INVENTORY GAMBERI,WYTVA4,DARG. Manufacturers / Distributors / Merchants : Printable DA-2062 (Component Hand Receipt) Related Products. 5825-01-526-2606.
5825-01-526-4783 Satellite Signals Navigation Set 015264783,
2004年12月17日 · 5825-01-526-4783 is a Satellite Signals Navigation Set that does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature such as tolerance, fit restriction or application. Demilitarization of this item has been confirmed and is …
5825-01-526-4783 A fixed number of components and/or items that acquire and track signals from a constellation of orbital satellites to obtain time and three-dimensional position and velocity directly or in conjunction with sub systems of the host vehicle.
DAGR - Defense Advanced GPS Receiver - PRC68.com
It's a 5 channel L1 receiver that can be used with both the CA and P (when keyed) codes. The diagram below shows the evolution of the Rockwell GPS receivers. I think the PLGR III was an experimental receiver that was not fielded or if it was only in small numbers.
AN/PSN-13 Satellite Signals Navigation Set - National stock number
A fixed number of components and/or items, not all having the same basic name, of a ground or airborne navigation set that acquires and tracks signals from a constellation of orbital satellites to obtain time and three-dimensional position and velocity directly or in conjunction with sub systems of the host vehicle.
AN/PSN-13 DEFENSE ADVANCED GPS RECEIVER (DAGR) GTA 07-06-003 15 MARCH 2011 QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Maneuver Center of Excellence US Army Infantry School Fort Benning, GA Reference: FM 3-25.26, Map Reading and Land Navigation,