N99 10mm Pistol - F4NV at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community
2019年7月16日 · Reimagined N99 10mm pistol from Fallout 3/New Vegas. Slightly better stats than the vanilla 10mm pistol. Several modifications including a rechamber option. Spawns on raiders and in vendors from level 3. To obtain via console, type "help N99 4".
10mm pistol - Fallout Wiki
10mm pistols are pistols that appear in Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout Shelter, Fallout: New California and Van Buren, as well as the Fallout TV series. 10mm pistols are sidearms using the 10mm ammunition that was common before the …
10mm pistol (Fallout: New Vegas) - Fandom
The 10mm pistol, officially the N99 10mm pistol, is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. The large-framed N99 was selected as the standard issue conventional sidearm of the United States military, following the phaseout of the N80 in 2051.[1]
10mm pistol (Fallout 3)
The 10mm pistol, officially the N99 10mm pistol, is a small gun in Fallout 3. The large-framed N99 was selected as the standard issue conventional sidearm of the United States military, following the phaseout of the N80 in 2051.[1]
废土旅行贴身伙伴——10mm手枪总览 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
10mm手枪是在大战前十分常见的一类使用10mm弹药的随身武器。 在军队使用能量武器逐步替换淘汰这类手枪时,酒精、毒品、烟草、火器及激光武器管理局( BADTFL )的执法人员在大量地使用他们。
AWO - 10mm Pistol Replacer (Colt N99) - Nexus Mods
2023年2月20日 · The 10mm pistol, aka Colt N99, it's one of the most iconic pistols in the Fallout series, so it deserves a lot of consideration. In this mod, the AWO team proposes a new version of the same old mod based on ToastyFresh model for FO4 with new juicy textures and Anirvana animation set for the legendary DEagle
10mm Pistol Replacer - F4NV N99 10mm Pistol - Nexus Mods
2022年4月29日 · An alternate style replacer for the 10mm using the F4NV N99, should fix some of the issues some people are having.
10毫米手枪(辐射:新维加斯) - 辐射中文维基 - 灰机wiki - 北京 …
10毫米手枪 (英文: 10mm Pistol),官方名称为 N99 10毫米手枪 (英文: N99 10mm Pistol)是《辐射:新维加斯》中出现的一种 武器。 在2051年N80手枪退出现役后,新款的N99成为了军队的标准装备。 N99以其强大的耐用性和可靠性而著称,即使长时间缺乏维护,或者暴露于恶劣的环境下,N99也能在简单修复后继续使用。 避难所科技的部分保安也配备了N99手枪,它们中的大部分状况依然十分良好。 在大战结束后,有许多民用N99因长期缺乏维护而变得不堪使 …
Colt N99 10mm pistol - Fallout: New California
The Colt N99 10mm pistol is a weapon in Fallout: New California. It is a variant of the 10mm pistol. The Colt N99 10mm pistol is simply a variant of the base game 10mm pistol with a smaller frame, and performs identically. The Colt N99 can fire a total of about 395 standard rounds, the...
《辐射》全系列武器资料 辐射4全系列武器详细介绍_新维加斯-Weathered 10mm …
2015年12月19日 · 到了2051年,N80 10mm手枪逐步退出历史舞台,N99取代其成为标准的军方配枪。 在多次测试中,N99以其在严酷环境下的经久耐用(其实我很想用“超级耐操”来形容= =)而闻名,使其得到广泛的认可,认为它在长期复杂的战斗条件下,即使得不到及时的维护保养也 ...
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