Home - NAATI
NAATI is the skills assessing authority for the translator and interpreter occupations on the migration skilled occupations lists. Credentialed Community Language (CCL) test Migration assessments
NAATI Certification System
What is NAATI certification? NAATI is the national standards and certifying authority for translators and interpreters. Holding NAATI certification (or recognition) means you meet the standard expected of translators and interpreters in the community.
Online Directory - NAATI
NAATI’s online directory lists translators and interpreters who hold a current NAATI certification or Recognised Practising credential. Practitioners can choose whether they are listed in the directory, and which details to share with the public.
Prerequisites and Training - NAATI
All professional NAATI credentials require you to complete formal training in translation or interpreting before applying to NAATI. There are different training requirements depending on the type of credential, from a diploma up to specialised master’s degrees.
Certified Translator - NAATI
NAATI’s Certified Translator test is an objective assessment of the skills and competencies needed to practice as a translator in Australia. It is the highest credential available for translators under the Certification System.
Find a Test Date - NAATI
Log into NAATI Learn; Online directory: Find certified translators & interpreters
Frequently asked questions (FAQ) - NAATI
If you wish to become certified by NAATI again, you must meet the training & prerequisite requirements and sit a test with NAATI. You can read about the credentials we offer and the requirements here .
If you do not have a myNAATI Account, please click here to register.click here to register.
Course: CT Preparation Module | NAATI Learn
Each practice test includes one translation task and one revision task of comparable complexity and length as a standard NAATI CT test. Please note that the actual test requires you to complete three tasks in total ( two translation tasks and one revision task).
naati 的认证制度有八种不同的笔译和口译资格,可在下方查看。 资格分为两类: 认证:需经 naati 考试及格; 从业认可:如无法参加考试,naati 会通过从业实践,间接评估申请人的能力。