Home - NAATI
Learn more about the importance of NAATI's Certification System and how to get certified as a translator or interpreter. NAATI is the skills assessing authority for the translator and …
关于NAATI,你必须知道的五大问题! - 知乎专栏
NAATI(澳洲翻译资格认可局)是澳大利亚唯一的翻译专业认证机构。 澳大利亚和新西兰的政府规定:移民、法律诉讼及政府多语种出版的所有个人文件,都需要由具有NAATI资格认定的专业 …
澳大利亚翻译资格认可局 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
澳大利亚翻译资格认可局 (英語: The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters,缩写:NAATI,直译为“全国笔译及口译评审局” [1])是澳大利亚全国性的笔译和 …
史上最详细NAATI三级翻译证书解析 - 知乎
NAATI三级,也就是Certified Translator 和 Certified Interpreter,是澳大利亚翻译从业者的唯一上岗证,也适用于新西兰。 据我所知,在其它国家的翻译行业,好像都没有统一的资质证书作 …
Prerequisites and Training - NAATI
All professional NAATI credentials require you to complete formal training in translation or interpreting before applying to NAATI. There are different training requirements depending on …
NAATI Certification System
What is NAATI certification? NAATI is the national standards and certifying authority for translators and interpreters. Holding NAATI certification (or recognition) means you meet the …
Natti 口笔译考试介绍和样题一览 - 搜狐
2017年12月11日 · NAATI为澳大利亚全国翻译认证机构,对于想要技术移民的同学来说,NAATI认证意味着宝贵的5分加分。 通常以移民加分为目的时都会考虑选择通过率较高的:
National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters
NAATI provides eight key services to assist people to gain and maintain a credential to work as a translator or interpreter in Australia. These services include: Credentialed Community …
Naati应该如何复习? - 知乎
上海naati英译中三级笔译考试总结 免责声明:由于naati是一个小众考试,国内考试机会少,也极贵(考一次RMB8000+),所以不可能像雅思一样考多次进行刷分,而且翻译考试的批改可能 …
Nepali Naati Academy
At Nepali NAATI CCL Coaching, we specialize in helping you pass your test with confidence. Our experienced instructors provide step-by-step guidance, practical tips, and personalized …