Home - NAATI
NAATI is the skills assessing authority for the translator and interpreter occupations on the migration skilled occupations lists. Credentialed Community Language (CCL) test Migration assessments
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Contact Us - NAATI
NAATI is a national organisation with offices in six states and territories. These offices support testing of candidates and local engagement. If you visit our offices in person, our staff may not be able to assist with your query and may direct you to email or call instead.
NAATI-certified interpreter or translator - Sydney Institute of ...
2024年10月11日 · At the Sydney Institute of Interpreting and Translating (SIIT), we offer NAATI-endorsed Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses in interpreting and translating across eight language streams: Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Nepali, Hindi, Punjabi, Vietnamese, and Arabic. We also provide Skill Set courses for minor language streams.
Naati Pre-Test Training - Sydney Institute of Interpreting and …
Our NAATI Pre-Test Training program is designed to support aspiring interpreters and translators as they prepare for NAATI certification exams. With experienced trainers and structured practice, this program ensures you're ready to succeed.
Sydney Translation (NAATI) | Translation Services Sydney
Sydney Translation and Translation Services in Sydney performed by NAATI accredited professional Sydney translators. Fast accurate and affordable! Call Today: (02) 8005 3940
翻訳・通訳の国家資格NAATI (ナティ) | オーストラリア 留学なら …
NAATIはNational Accreditation Authority For Translators and Interpreters の略称です。 オーストラリアの政府が出資し、1977年に創立され 翻訳者や通訳者の国家資格の認定 をしています。 現在、NATTIはオーストラリアの連邦並びに州政府が所有する会社法人です。 本社はキャンベラにあり、オーストラリアとニュージーランドを拠点に活動をしています。 翻訳者や通訳者には、NAATI Accreditationまたは NAATI Recognitionという証明書を発行しています。 国際的資格 …
How to become a NAATI certified interpreter or translator?
2024年10月2日 · When you pass the NAATI certification test, you will become a NAATI certified interpreter or translator between English and LOTE languages. There are two main pathways you can consider. The first is the NAATI endorsed interpreting and translating courses including Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Bachelor and Master’s degrees.
Online Directory - NAATI
NAATI’s online directory lists translators and interpreters who hold a current NAATI certification or Recognised Practising credential. Practitioners can choose whether they are listed in the directory, and which details to share with the public.
澳洲實用指南|深入解析澳洲三種常見駕照類型:國際駕照、NAATI …
2024年11月30日 · 首先~新南威爾斯州nsw是不接受naati譯本的喔! 需要專門去 「駐雪梨台北經濟文化辦事處」 申請駕照翻譯件。 可直接換照資格: