Prolonged treatment with N-acetylcystine delays liver recovery …
2009年4月9日 · Introduction Acetaminophen (APAP) toxicity is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the US and Europe. Massive hepatocyte necrosis is the predominant feature of APAP-induced acute liver injury (ALI). Liver regeneration is a vital process for survival after a toxic insult, it occurs at a relative late time point after the injurious phase. Currently, N …
Prolonged N-acetylcysteine therapy in late acetaminophen …
2009年5月14日 · Since the 1970s, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) has shown proven efficacy as an antidote for acetaminophen (APAP) poisoning and APAP-induced liver failure for early presenters. The current evidence of benefits of NAC for late presenters is controversial because of the poor understanding of the mechanism of late toxicity. In the previous issue of Critical Care, Yang …
N -acetylcysteine in clinical sepsis: a difficult marriage
2004年6月9日 · N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is one of the most extensively studied antioxidants. NAC is a safe drug with a wide toxic–therapeutic window, as documented by years of clinical experience in patients with liver failure due to paracetamol overdose . Many potentially beneficial and protective effects of NAC have been demonstrated in experimental ...
Acetaminophen poisoning: an update for the intensivist
2002年3月14日 · Acetaminophen overdose is common and can result from deliberate/nonstaggered or accidental/staggered ingestion. Patients presenting within 24 h of an acetaminophen overdose can safely be managed on medical wards. Early management of nonstaggered overdose is guided by the plasma acetaminophen concentration, whereas …
N-acetylcysteine (NAC) decreases liver lactate levels in septic …
NAC was shown to improve the global oxygen consumption in sepsis and toxic liver failure. Very little is known about its effects on liver lactate levels under experimental conditions nothing to our knowledge in septic shock patients. The purpose of this study was to examine these effects using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS).
Is there a place for N-acetylcysteine in the treatment of septic …
2004年1月22日 · Excessive inflammatory responses and impaired oxygen utilization because of microcirculatory failure are implicated in septic shock. Recent studies have pointed out some beneficial effects in the treatment of septic shock of several vasodilators that exert anti-inflammatory properties. In particular, the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine has been demonstrated …
Clinical review: The liver in sepsis | Critical Care | Full Text
2012年10月30日 · Thus, using the SOFA score, the French EPISEPSIS (EPIdemiology of SEPSIS) study group reported incidences of liver dysfunction (hepatic score of greater than 0) and liver failure (hepatic score of 3 or 4) of 46.6% and 6.3%, respectively, in 541 patients with severe sepsis during the first 24 hours after admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) .
Iron as an emerging therapeutic target in critically ill patients
2023年12月4日 · The multiple roles of iron in the body have been known for decades, particularly its involvement in iron overload diseases such as hemochromatosis. More recently, compelling evidence has emerged regarding the critical role of non-transferrin bound iron (NTBI), also known as catalytic iron, in the care of critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs). These trace …
Propofol infusion syndrome: a structured review of experimental …
2015年12月1日 · Introduction Propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS) is a rare, but potentially lethal adverse effect of a commonly used drug. We aimed to review and correlate experimental and clinical data about this syndrome. Methods We searched for all case reports published between 1990 and 2014 and for all experimental studies on PRIS pathophysiology. We analysed the …
Individual mHLA-DR trajectories in the ICU as predictors of early ...
2025年2月18日 · Background Infections are a leading cause of early mortality after liver transplantation (LT). Prior to transplantation, cirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction significantly increases the risk of infection. This study investigated the potential of immune monitoring, with a focus on monocytic HLA-DR (mHLA-DR) expression, as a predictor of post-LT complications. …