综述:航空航天领域的金属增材制造(二a) - 网易
2021年8月25日 · EOS和空中客车集团创新公司的一项联合研究是在空中客车A320机舱铰链支架上进行的(图6)。 该部件将使用 粉末床激光熔化 (LPBF) 技术,由Ti-6Al-4V制造,旨在实现当前设计远不能做到的高质量和低成本,在发动机检测舱取代目前的铰链支架。 这项研究表明,与传统铸造工艺相比,基于粉末床激光熔化的AM 技术在轻质化方面具有明显优势。 图6 空客A320机舱铰链支架的TO和AM。 左:TO设计流程。 右:原始支架 (上)和最终的TO优化设计 (下)。 原钢支架= …
The NASA Ames Research Center and the aeronautical department of the University of California in Davis (U.C, Davis) are jointly working on the task of developing a methodology for the optimization and design of the high lift system for future subsonic airliners. This contractor is the third partner in this effort.
NASA Takes International Aviation Research to the ‘Max’
2018年1月10日 · The international collaboration will see the German Aerospace Center (DLR)’s Advanced Technology Research Aircraft (ATRA) A320 aircraft burning alternative biofuels, while NASA’s fully instrumented DC-8 “Flying Laboratory” trails a safe distance behind, sampling and analyzing gases and particles within the ATRA’s wake.
NASA Aircraft
2025年2月18日 · This NASA Aircraft page will showcase NASA’s aircraft operations that enable the Agency’s myriad missions, from preparing astronauts to go to space, to studying Earth from the air, to developing leading-edge aeronautic technologies.
The A320 incident represents a controlled crash into water under nearly ideal conditions and provides an opportunity to evaluate the real-world effects of water impact on a transport category airplane.
In this study, the design trade space for advanced turbofan engines applied to a single-aisle transport (737/A320 class aircraft) is explored. The benefits of increased bypass ratio and associated enabling technologies such as geared fan drive are found to depend on the primary metrics of interest.
Mission: ECLIF(NDMAX) – HALO Database – The High Altitude and …
NASA's DC-8 preformed in-situ measurements in the exhaust of the A320 burning conventional Jet-A1 fuels and their blends with HEFA bio-fuels with the aim to investigate the effects of biofuels on emissions, contrails and climate.
NASA网站数据集下载 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年2月13日 · 打开 matlab2021a 例子时,需要下载对应的数据集,点进去后跳转到了主页。 貌似下载地址有变化. Download and unzip the Turbofan Engine Degradation Simulation Data …
Programme Airbus A320 (A320 Airbus Program). | National …
The A320 program including aircraft characteristics, program time table, history, and financial aspects is described.
By capturing the internal behavior of a flight deck in a rigorous and detailed formal model, the dark corners of a design can be analyzed. This paper will explore how formal mod-els and analyses can be used to help eliminate mode confusion from flight deck designs and at the same time increase our confidence in the safety of the implementation.