B-52 Heavy-lift Airborne Launch Aircraft - NASA
2009年8月12日 · B-52H. NASA obtained a B-52H heavy bomber from the U.S. Air Force in 2001, intending to use the aircraft as an air-launch and testbed aircraft to support NASA, Air Force, and industry flight research and advanced technology demonstration efforts …
Balls 8 - Wikipedia
Balls 8 is a NASA Boeing NB-52B mothership which was retired in 2004 after almost 50 years of flying service with NASA. [1] [2] The aircraft is famous for dropping the X-15 aerospace research vehicle on 106 of the 199 X-15 program flights. [3]
B-52 - NASA
2015年2月17日 · NASA's B-52B launch aircraft, operated by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, participated in some of the most significant projects in aerospace history. At retirement, the air launch and research aircraft held the distinction of being NASA's oldest aircraft, as well as being the oldest B-52 on flying status.
Where Are They Now: B-52B #008 - NASA
2015年9月2日 · The B-52B, registration number 52-0008 (NASA tail number 008), rolled out of Boeing’s Seattle plant as an RB-52B, and first flew on June 11, 1955. The aircraft was the 10th B-52 to come off the Boeing assembly line and was a U.S. Air Force test aircraft before it was assigned to support the X-15 research aircraft program at Dryden…
NASA Dryden B-52 Mothership Photo Collection
2007年5月7日 · NASA B-52, Tail Number 008, is an air launch carrier aircraft, "mothership," as well as a research aircraft platform that has been used on a variety of research projects. The aircraft, a "B" model built in 1952 and first flown on June 11, 1955, is the oldest B-52 in flying status and has been used on some of the most significant research ...
NASA Dryden B-52 Mothership Graphics Collection
NASA's venerable B-52B launch aircraft, operated by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, participated in some of the most significant projects in aerospace history. At retirement in December 2004, the air launch and research aircraft held the distinction of being NASA's oldest aircraft, as well as being the oldest B-52 on flying status.
NB-52A and NB-52B Stratofortress Launch Platforms - Air-and …
There is a venerable bird flying at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB. The oldest flying B-52 is currently engaged in the testing of the Space Station Crew Return Vehicle demonstrator, the X-38, and will soon be launching the unmanned, air-breathing, Mach-8 Hyper-X, mounted on the nose of a Pegasus satellite launcher.
NASA B-52B - Spacepedia
Used to launch X-15 rocketplanes (some of whose pilots flew high enough to earn their astronaut wings), to launch lifting bodies, and to launch the Pegasus orbital vehicle. One of these aircraft, tail number NASA-003 (retired 1969), is on public display at the Pima Air & …
Goleta Air and Space Museum: NASA's NB-52B Walkaround
NASA's Boeing NB-52B Stratofortress Mothership was retired in a ceremony at the Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base on Friday December 17, 2004. The NB-52B has been a fixture at Edwards AFB for forty-nine years. It first launched a North American X-15 rocket plane on January 23, 1960.
NASA Dryden B-52 Photo Collection - Armstrong Flight Research …
NASA's venerable B-52B launch aircraft, operated by the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, participated in some of the most significant projects in aerospace history. At retirement in December 2004, the air launch and research aircraft held the distinction of being NASA's oldest aircraft, as well as being the oldest B-52 on flying status.