Schlieren Supersonic Shock Waves - NASA
2023年7月10日 · NASA is using a modern version of a 150-year-old German photography technique — schlieren imagery — to visualize supersonic flow... This schlieren image of a T-38C was captured using the patented Background Oriented Schlieren using Celestial Objects (BOSCO) technique and...
Ground-Based Schlieren Technique Looks to the Sun and Moon - NASA
2015年9月23日 · Researchers at Armstrong and NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California, have developed new schlieren techniques based on modern image processing methods. Shock waves, represented by distortions of the background pattern in a series of images, are accentuated using special mathematical equations.
NASA TechPort
2018年10月1日 · Originally developed for ground test, BOS has been successfully adapted as a high-speed flight test technique, first by using the desert floor as a background (AirBOS) and later using the sun as a background (BOSCO) to visualize the shock waves from supersonic aircraft.
Two methods, Ground-to-Air Schlieren Photography System (GASPS) and Background Oriented Schlieren with Celestial Objects (BOSCO) use ground based telescopes that image the sun as an aircraft passes between the sun and telescope, and are direct outgrowths of Weinstein’s pioneering method.
NASA Webinar: Schlieren Imaging Research and Technologies
One of the techniques, Background Oriented Schlieren Using Celestial Objects (BOSCO), uses a celestial object, such as the sun, as a background to secure unique, measurable shock wave images previously attainable only in wind tunnels.
•NASA has developed three schlieren methods to capture shock structures of supersonic aircraft in-flight •Each will be available for imaging the X-59 Quesst •First testing of pod-based imaging is this Fall: F-15 to F-15 •First flight of Quesst will be in …
Heineck et al.9 demonstrated an air-to-air BOS system (AirBOS), in which an aircraft mounted camera, pointing downward, used the natural pattern of desert vegetation as a BOS background. The aircraft to be imaged flew beneath the camera aircraft, allowing for BOS to be performed on an aircraft in flight.
Logo: Background Oriented Schlieren using Celestial Objects (BOSCO) - NASA
2017年7月18日 · Explanation or back story: As part of the Commercial Supersonic Technology Project, BOSCO produced shock wave images generated by F-15, F-18, and T-38 aircraft using a ground-based imaging system and the sun as a speckled background created by …
Harnessing the Power of Wind with NASA Technology
Schlieren System Captures Brilliant Shockwave Images. NASA's Background Oriented Schlieren Using Celestial Objects (BOSCO) technology uses a celestial object, such as the sun, as a background to secure unique, measurable shockwave images of full-scale aircraft.
Boom - FlyBy - Making the Invisible Visible: Boom and NASA …
4 天之前 · GASPS image using BOSCO technique showing superior shock wave image but distorted aircraft silhouette, Photo credit: NASA /Boom Supersonic Making it happen during XB-1’s thirteenth and final flight On the morning of February 10, 2025, NASA’s team was on the ground in the Mojave Desert, waiting for Geppetto to start the countdown.