Public law requires federal agencies to administer an annual employee survey (AES) and post the results for public access. This report includes summary ratings for the 16 federally mandated …
FEVS - OPM.gov
We lead and serve the Federal Government in enterprise human resources management by delivering policies and services to achieve a trusted effective civilian workforce. Find out more …
Following each annual survey, leaders across NASA receive a spreadsheet including the percent of positive responses from each part of their organizations. Here we look at one question from …
Data Reports - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
This report displays counts and percentages by participating agencies' demographic and workforce profile (e.g., work location, supervisory status, sex, age, pay category, intention to …
While NASA OCHCO continues transforming – in an environment with ever-increasing requirements and decreasing resources – we’re continue to adapt how we approach FEVS …
In 2021, NASA began administering the FEVS internally through the NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) after many years of utilizing OPM’s governmentwide survey administration. By …
2011年3月29日 · It is for this reason that the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) focuses on employee perceptions regarding critical areas of their work lives: areas which drive …
2020年5月8日 · Survey (FEVS) results for 2019 also show that NASA ranked highest among large agencies on the Engagement Index (83 percent positive responses) and the New Inclusion …
NASA Uses Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey to Improve …
2016年9月20日 · With some 18,000 employees at NASA, getting feedback can be daunting, and the FEVS helps provide a vehicle where people feel they can be candid and offer constructive …
Mining the FEVS - sma.nasa.gov
2019年5月6日 · We have seen first-hand the effects fear of reprisal can have on a culture, as it was a theme for both the Challenger and Columbia mishaps, and we need to ensure that …