S-IVB - Wikipedia
Built by the Douglas Aircraft Company, it had one J-2 rocket engine. For lunar missions it was fired twice: first for Earth orbit insertion after second stage cutoff, and then for translunar injection (TLI). The S-IVB evolved from the upper stage of the Saturn I rocket (the S-IV) and was the first stage of the Saturn V to be designed.
NASA SVS | Apollo 13 S-IVB Impact Site - NASA Scientific …
2020年4月6日 · After sending the astronauts out of Earth orbit on a path to the Moon, the detached upper stage of the Saturn V rocket, called the S-IVB (“ess four bee”), was aimed squarely at the Moon. Its impact at 77:56:39.7 mission elapsed time was detected by several scientific instruments left on the surface by Apollo 12.
S-IVB - 百度百科
S-IVB(读作S-four-B)是从土星一号的上面级,S-IV和研发中的土星五号第一级发展而来,S-IV使用六台液氢液氧发动机,原计划用于C-4火箭的第四级,因此叫做S-IV。 是由 道格拉斯飞行器公司 制造的火箭级,使用一台J-2发动机,用作土星五号第三级和土星一号B的第二级。 登月时S-IVB点火两次,一次使飞船入轨,第二次进行月球转移轨道射入。 发动机s 1台J-2. 推力 1,001 kN. (225,000 磅力) 燃料 LOX/LH2. (读作"S-four-B")是由 道格拉斯飞行器公司 制造的火箭级, …
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server
NTRS - NASA Technical Reports Server. Search. more_vert. Collections About News Help Login. Back to Results. S-4B/5 Auxiliary Propulsion System 90-day Recycle Capability Test Report, Module 1 Mold and recycle test performance of Saturn S-4B auxiliary propulsion system. Document ID. 19700026606 . Acquisition Source.
The S4B revisited - The Four Ages Of Sand
2008年4月6日 · The S4B (S-IV B to be exact) was mentioned by the astronauts 3 days into the Apollo 11 flight. It was part of a cryptic message to mission control because they simple couldn't make sense of what they were seeing out of the window.
Expandable airlock experiment for the S4B workshop - NASA …
Expandable airlock experiment for the S4B workshop Expandable air lock experiment for orbital flight testing on S-4B Workshop - technical evaluation. Document ID. 19680018452 . Acquisition Source. ... Williams, J. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States) Date Acquired. August 4, 2013 . Publication Date. May 1, 1967 .
Apollo 7/S-IVB Rendezvous in Space - NASA Science
2018年7月9日 · The expended Saturn S-IVB stage as photographed from the Apollo 7 spacecraft during transposition and docking maneuvers at an approximate altitude of 125 nautical miles, at ground elapsed time of three hours and 16 minutes (beginning of third revolution). This view is over the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Cape Kennedy, Florida.
Saturn V S-IVB Stage at Redstone Airfield - NASA
2014年1月31日 · In January 1968, the Saturn V S-IVB stage that housed the orbital workshop, which was renamed Skylab was unloaded from the Super Guppy, the NASA plane built to carry oversized cargo, at Redstone Airfield in Huntsville, Ala. The workshop measured 22 feet (6.7 meters) in diameter, and 48 feet (14.6 meters) in length.
Apollo 13 on track to the moon - Spaceflight Now
Swigert won warm praise from Mission Control for the way he completed the transposition and docking manoeuvre -- extracting the Lunar Module from the Saturn 4B rocket stage, so that it's now on the...
J002E3 - Wikipedia
J002E3 is an object in space which is thought to be the S-IVB third stage of the Apollo 12 Saturn V rocket. It was discovered on September 3, 2002, by amateur astronomer Bill Yeung.