X-57 Maxwell - NASA
2024年2月14日 · NASA’s X-57 Maxwell all electric aircraft has power! With the successful installation of two 400-pound lithium-ion battery packs in the cabin of the plane. The X-57 project is the agency’s first all-experimental electric aircraft, and an early part of NASA’s work to develop sustainable aviation solutions.
NASA X-57 Maxwell - Wikipedia
The NASA X-57 Maxwell was an experimental aircraft developed by NASA, intended to demonstrate technology to reduce fuel use, emissions, and noise. [2] The first flight of the X-57 was scheduled to take place in 2023, but the program was cancelled due to problems with the propulsion system.
X-57 Maxwell Overview - NASA
2018年9月13日 · NASA’s X-57 “Maxwell” is the agency’s first all-electric experimental aircraft, or X-plane, and is NASA’s first crewed X-plane in two decades. The primary goal of the X-57 project is to share the aircraft’s electric-propulsion-focused design and airworthiness process with regulators, which will advance certification approaches for ...
X-57 Project Creates Paths Toward Electric Aviation - NASA
2023年6月23日 · The X-57 is part of NASA’s commitment to supporting the U.S. climate goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from the aviation sector by 2050. Since 2016, the project has shared lessons learned about battery technology, electromagnetic interference, motor controller design, and so much more.
X-57 Maxwell - NASA
What is the X-57? A small, experimental airplane powered by electricity! All-electric technology will make flying cleaner, quieter, and more sustainable.
全电动推进验证机X-57概述 - (国内统一连续出版物号为 CN10 …
X-57 Maxwell – SACD - NASA
2024年9月13日 · NASA’s X-57 Maxwell was an all-electric experimental aircraft designed to demonstrate multiple cutting-edge technologies. The goal of the X-57 was to demonstrate that an all-electric airplane can be more efficient, quieter, and more environmentally friendly than airplanes powered by traditional gas piston-engines.
• X-57 has advanced the Nation's ability to design, test, and determine airworthiness of distributed electric and aero -propulsive coupling technologies, which are a critical enabler of emerging, advanced air mobility markets
NASA电动飞机X57失败——电动航空门槛 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年6月23日,NASA宣布终止X-57“ 麦克斯韦尔 ”(被国人用烂的网名、商标 )电动飞机验证机项目。 NASA给出的理由是:“我们最近在 推进系统 中发现了一种潜在的故障模式,我们认为这种模式会对飞行员的安全以及地面测试期间地面人员的安全构成不可接受的风险,而解决这个问题所需的时间和资金超出了该项目的计划,因此NASA决定按时结束该项目。 ”换句话说,该项目的预算用光了但还没达到具备试飞的状态。 该项目在研制中曾遇到过一系列技术挑战,例如 逆变器 …
【快讯·国际航天】美·NASA全电动飞机X-57 Maxwell即将展开下一 …
x-57的目标是帮助联邦航空管理局为新兴的电动飞机市场设定认证标准。 这将包括沿机翼前缘运行的12台高升力电动机以及两台更大的、安装在翼尖的为巡航而设计的电动机。