CPA Exam Score Release 2025 | 2025 NASBA Score Release
2025 Discipline Exams Exam Dates Score Release Date; BAR, TCP, ISC: January 1 – 31: March 14: BAR, TCP, ISC: April 1 – 30
CPA Candidates Depend on NASBA Score Release for Fast...
Most state boards of accountancy hand off score reporting to NASBA. Once AICPA sends scores, the results go up very quickly on the NASBA website. NASBA score release is often same day. Often CPA exam results go up on the website the same day NASBA receives them. Start looking at midnight EST on the target release date.
NASBA's Game-Changing 30 Month Rule Amendment | Another71
2023年4月25日 · NASBA has adopted an amendment to the Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA) Model Rules pertaining to the Uniform CPA Examination. The amendment increases the length of conditional credit from 18 months to 30 months, bases the calculation of conditional credit for Exam sections passed on the date that scores are released, and adds descriptive language ...
Official NASBA Early Score Release List - Another71.com
2010年11月19日 · NASBA has updated their system of releasing CPA Exam scores and can now release candidate scores in less than 24 after an AICPA release. Some states seem to be getting them almost instantly while others on this list seem to take just a little bit longer.
another71.com | Pass the CPA Exam & Get Your Life Back
Hi, I'm Jeff Elliott, Founder of Another71. I'm a Christian, Husband, Father of Ten (yep, I know how that happens, and have heard all the jokes), Taekwondo Black Belt (not super relevant, but fits nicely with the whole “NINJA” theme), Part-Time Farmer, High School Soccer Coach, and Certified Public Accountant in Kansas.
Tip for Success: Don't register for more than two sections on your ...
2008年6月30日 · Note – someone left a comment that said that NASBA has fixed the glitch that won't allow you to retake a section when you have other sections left on your NTS. I hope that this is the case. As a jaded veteran of the CPA Exam process, I've learned a few quirks and tricks along the way and want to share them in hopes that people can learn from ...
NASBA Launches Calibrate Accounting CPE Tracker for CPAs
2010年9月28日 · I subsequently met with NASBA in Nashville and got to see a live demo of Calibrate and was impressed. Here is an excerpt from their official announcement, which went out today: Calibrate is new software aimed at increasing CPE compliance accuracy and assurance for accounting professionals and state boards of accountancy.
CPA Exam Result Watch©: Monitors NASBA.org so that you don’t …
2009年12月7日 · I am happy to introduce a new advertiser on another71.com: CPA Exam Result Watch©. The developers of CPA Exam Result Watch© saw their friends and family agonize over the CPA Exam score release process and decided to create a solution to free CPA Exam candidates from the burden of constantly checking NASBA.org for their scores.
Update: NASBA BEC Scores Tech Issue - Another71.com
2009年11月13日 · The BEC CPA Exam scores did not load. NASBA is working on this and will try to get them out today. I don't know if this means during the “day” or if you will have to wait until this evening. I will post updates as I get them.
NASBA Updates CPA Exam Score Release Process - Another71.com
2009年5月11日 · 2. some tangible change in the score release process by talking with NASBA. My conversation with Patricia Hartman, NASBA Director of National Candidate Database & CPAES Examination Operations, is still on-going and will be released soon, but it has already brought about a significant improvement in the score reporting process: