priate publications sponsor by submission of NAVMC 10772 (Recom-mended Changes to Publications/Logistics-Maintenance Data Coding). The NAVMC 10772 shall be submitted to the
TM 11240-15/4C of 31 July 2002 is hereby superseded for Marine Corps use. Submit notice of discrepancies or suggested changes on a NAVMC 10772. The NAVMC may be submitted via …
NAVMC 10772 The NAVMC may be submitted via the Internet using website https:// www.ala.usmc.mil, click on Publications, Technical Publications, follow the instruc-tions, and …
The NAVMC may be submitted via the Internet using website https://pubs.ala.usmc.mil/navmc, scrolling down to the NAVMC 10772 Tracking Program and following instructions provided.
NAVMC 10772. Users with CAC/PKI certificates may submit the NAVMC via the Internet using website https://pubs.ala.usmc.mil/navmc/default.asp. The form can be filled in and submitted …
The NAVMC may be submitted via the Internet using website https://pubs.ala.usmc.mil/front.htm, scrolling down to the NAVMC 10772 Tracking Program and following instructions provided.
Tm 8000-10/1D - DocsLib
The NAVMC may be submitted via the Internet using website https://pubs.ala.usmc.mil/front.htm, scrolling down to the NAVMC 10772 Tracking Program and following instructions provided.
2016年10月27日 · recommendations for technical publications utilizing NAVMC 10772. (2) Technical publications shall only be authored using Marine Corps enterprise approved …
10772. The NAVMC may be submitted via the Internet using website https://www.ala.usmc.mil, click on Publications, Technical Publications, follow the instructions, and then click on NAVMC …
The NAVMC may be submitted via the Internet using website https://pubs.a la.usmc.mil/ front.htm , scrolling down to the NAVMC 10772 Tracking Program and following instructions provided.