"N.B." vs. "P.S." - Difference Explained (Email Usage) - Grammarhow
“N.B.” means “nota bene,” which we use to refer readers to a specific piece of information and “take note” of it. This will help them to remember it later. “P.S.” means “postscript,” which is …
雅思阅读中NB是什么意思 - 老烤鸭雅思
2018年8月6日 · 首先,NB并不是某两个英文单词的简写,而是来自于拉丁文,完整的写法为Nota Bene,大概表示Note Well或者Pay attention的意思。 它在雅思阅读中往往还会加粗并使用斜 …
N.B. (Nota Bene) vs P.S. (Post Script) - English Language & Usage …
2015年12月24日 · "Nota bene" means "mark well" or something to that effect -- the equivalent of saying "Important!". "Post script" simply means something written after the the main letter was …
邮件中的“NB”是啥意思?这些必备的邮件缩略语,不理解要闹大笑 …
NB是拉丁语notate bene的缩写,意思是:note well = 特别注意,通常应用在领导的邮件里、重要的合同里,划重点了但凡看见“NB”后面都跟着最最重要的内容:
外国人说的 "NB",绝不是你想的那个意思! - 知乎专栏
"NB" 明显是属于第一种略缩方式,它其实是拉丁语 "nota bene" 的缩写,译成英文是 "note well",中文就是“特别注意”的意思。是国外很常用的一句网络语。
Latin Abbreviations: N.B. Meaning, Uses, Examples - ThoughtCo
2019年10月5日 · "Now, pay attention!" That's the basic meaning of N.B. — the abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "nota bene" (literally, "note well"). N.B. still appears in some forms of …
Nota bene - Wikipedia
In manuscripts, nota bene is abbreviated in upper-case as NB and N.B., and in lower-case as n.b. and nb; the editorial usages of nota bene and notate bene first appeared in the English style of …
英语缩写NB(Nota Bene)的用法详解,意思是 “注意“ 或 “请注 …
2025年1月3日 · One of the most common abbreviations is NB, which stands for “Nota Bene” in Latin, meaning “take note” or “please note.” In this blog, we will explore the meaning, usage, …
NB | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
NB definition: 1. written before a piece of important information to make readers notice it: 2. written…. Learn more.
What is n.b. in email & letter? - English Basics
2022年1月9日 · The abbreviation n.b. basically stands for the Latin phrase note bene. Note bene in English means note well. So, whenever one needs to make sure that the reader reads the …