NB-52A and NB-52B Stratofortress Launch Platforms - X-15
North American X-15-2 56-6671 made its first public appearance next to Boeing NB-52A Stratofortress 52-0003. The NB-52A was the fifth B-52 built and was retired in 1969.
Boeing NB-52A (B-52A) Stratofortress - Pima Air & Space
Designed as a long-range heavy bomber to carry nuclear weapons deep into Soviet territory, the B-52 has proven to be a highly adaptable and versatile aircraft.
Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - Wikipedia
Redesignated NB-52E, the aircraft was fitted with canards and a Load Alleviation and Mode Stabilization system which reduced airframe fatigue from wind gusts during low-level flight.
52-003 | This Day in Aviation
2025年3月10日 · North American Aviation X-15A 56-6670 carried aloft by Boeing NB-52A Stratofortress 52-003. The absence of frost on the fuselage of the X-15 shows that no cryogenic propellants are aboard for this captive flight. The chase plane is a Lockheed F-104A-15-LO Starfighter, 56-0768.
B-52 (航空機) - Wikipedia
ボーイング B-52 ストラトフォートレス (Boeing B-52 Stratofortress)は、 ボーイング 社が開発した、 アメリカ空軍 の 戦略爆撃機。 愛称のストラトフォートレス(stratofortress)は「成層圏 の 要塞」を意味する。 1955年に運用が開始されて以降、アメリカ空軍の戦略爆撃機戦力の一翼を担っており、各種改修を行いつつ2025年現在でも運用が行われている。 技術的には、先行するボーイング B-47 で実証された諸要素を踏まえ 大陸間爆撃機 (ten ten Bomber)の航続力 …
NB-52A and NB-52B Stratofortress Launch Platforms - Lifting …
While the NB-52B is most famous for launching the three North American X-15 rocket planes, it continued to serve in the role of launch platform for a multitude of programs until its final mission on November 16, 2004.
NB-52A & X-15 - This Day in Aviation
2012年7月16日 · Boeing NB-52A take off with X-15 No. 3 (S/N 56-6672) on July 17, 1962, when Maj. White flew to an altitude of 314,750 feet. The NB-52A was named “The High and Mighty One” at this time. Note the X-15 mission markings on the fuselage just forward of the wing.
Boeing NB-52A Stratofortress | This Day in Aviation
2025年3月10日 · Boeing NB-52A Stratofortress 52-003, The High and Mighty One, with North American Aviation X-15A-2 56-6671 mounted to the pylon under its right wing. The external propellant tanks have been brightly painted to aid tracking after they are jettisoned.
American Spacecraft | NB-52A "The High and Mighty One"
In 2021, the B-52 was undergoing restoration. Only three of the "A" model Stratofortresses were built and all served solely as test aircraft for both Boeing and the Air Force. The oldest B-52 in existence, this is the third "A" model built. An information and location guide to the spacecraft used in the American conquest of space.
Balls Eight – The B-52 That Was The Mother of Mother Ships
2016年8月22日 · The first bomber modified was the third and last B-52A produced, serial number B-52A-0003. After modification in 1959, it was redesignated NB-52A and named “The High and the Mighty.”