2024年2月25日 · From battling Flavor Flav in NBA 2K6 to some awesome 90s action in NBA 2K10 PC, we continue to have a blast with a variety of titles. My 1-on-1 game with Flavor Flav …
篮球王者的竞争,《NBA LIVE》与《NBA 2K》的发展史 - 哔哩哔哩
1999年,NBA LIVE遇上了这辈子的宿敌NBA 2K,在2K发售的前一个月的十月,由邓肯作为封面的《NBA LIVE 2000》正式发售,除了操作和内容上的优化,还增加了年代全明星队伍,并且 …
2025年2月3日 · NBA Live 06 is an old favourite that I’m looking to bring back into my rotation, which also means that I’m considering ways to spruce it up with mods. To that end, I’ve put …
Wayback Wednesday: NBA 2K6 Retrospective (Xbox 360)
2023年8月16日 · Whereas NBA Live lost depth while attempting to reinvent itself for Next Gen, NBA 2K6 kept what was working, with some enhancements to the graphics. The downside is …
NLSC Forum • NBA Live 06 Vs NBA 2k6
2006年7月4日 · I've heard people say NBA Live is more of an arcade sim and NBA 2k6 is more of a hard core sim. I think this is true for the most part. Both games do have their strength and …
NLSC Forum • NBA 2K6 Xbox 360 Videos
2023年1月5日 · Pickup game in NBA 2K6's Street mode, featuring 90s NBA Legends playing at Rucker Park.
The Comparison: NBA Live vs. NBA 2K6 vs. NBA 06
2005年6月15日 · Train your player, improve his skills, and outshine your competition to land endorsement deals and even your own shoe contract. remember it took until the very late last …
NLSC Forum • NBA Live 2k6 (questions ....) (please help)
2005年10月21日 · Talk about NBA Live 06 here. 10 posts • Page 1 of 1. NBA Live 2k6 (questions ....) (please help) by sawgood on Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:42 am
NBA Live 2006 - Neoseeker
2005年10月15日 · Authentic 5-on-5 Gameplay: The all-new animation system helps to visually present the up-tempo, fast-break brand of basketball that makes the NBA thrive. Also featured, …
NBA 2K6, NBA 09, & NBA Live Highlights - NLSC
2024年2月25日 · Catch up on all of our recent basketball gaming highlights, featuring NBA 2K6, NBA 09: The Inside, and various NBA Live titles.