Nature's Bounty Vitamins, Supplements & Minerals
Explore Nature’s Bounty® for high-quality vitamins and supplements backed by 50+ years of science, supporting your overall health and wellness needs.*
The Bountiful Company - Wikipedia
It was originally known as Nature's Bounty, Inc. but changed its name to NBTY, Inc. in 1995. [ citation needed ] It then changed its name back to Nature's Bounty Co. in 2016. [ 3 ] It …
NBTY公司 - 百度百科
NBTY公司前身为创建于1971年的 自然之宝 公司(Nature's Bounty,Inc.),于1990年5月正式更名为NBTY,Inc. 总部设在美国 纽约 。1992年,NBTY在纳斯达克上市,后于2003年转版至 纽 …
NATURE’S BOUNTY® - | Nestlé Health Science
Nature's Bounty ® supplements are overseen by our scientists, manufacturing specialists and quality experts, each one dedicated to maintaining the highest quality standards. As part of our …
NBTY, Inc. -- Company History
In 1999 NBTY joined Phar-More Inc., a deep-discount drug chain, in selling vitamins and other nutritional supplements over the Internet on a page linked to Phar-More's web site. NBTY's net …
Nature's Bounty Product Offerings – Nature's Bounty
Browse Nature’s Bounty® high-quality vitamins and supplements to support your wellness journey, from immune health to heart health and more.*
带你认识知名保健品品牌-Nature's Bounty - 什么值得买
2023年6月22日 · 保护心脏,提高免疫力。Nature’s Bounty简称NBTY,中文译为自然之宝,是集研发,生产,销售营养补充剂的综合...阅读全文
Nestlé completes acquisition of The Bountiful Company core brands
Nestlé Health Science announces the successful completion of its acquisition of the core brands of The Bountiful Company including Nature’s Bounty ®, Solgar ®, Osteo Bi-Flex ®, Puritan’s …
据了解,成立于1971年的Bountiful最早名为Nature’s Bounty Inc.,曾于1995年更名NBTY Inc.,其后公司又两度改名。
自然之宝 - 百度百科
自然之宝是美国nbty集团旗下的子公司。 截至2012年财年,NBTY的全球销售额超过31亿美元,是目前全球最大的 膳食补充剂 生产和销售公司。 企业荣誉