NBTExplorer - NBT Editor for Windows and Mac - Minecraft Forum
2017年11月24日 · NBTExplorer is a low-level graphical NBT data editor originally based on NBTedit. The key difference is NBTExplorer's full support for Minecraft .mcr/.mca region files, a directory-tree interface for easily exploring multiple worlds, and support for the latest NBT standard. NBTExplorer is built on top of Substrate. NBTExplorer can read:
In-Game NBTEdit! Edit Mob Spawners & Attributes in game!
2014年9月12日 · Paste the NBTEdit zip file into your mods folder. In order to play the Forge version, you need to change your profile on the new minecraft launcher to the "Forge" one; For windows, PRE 1.6 : Go to your minecraft .jar (Go to run -> (type in) %appdata% -> .minecraft -> bin -> minecraft.jar; If desired, backup your saves.
giving items attributes, with NBTedit and NBTexplorer!
I've figured out how to use NBTedit and NBTexplorer (whichever you prefer) to add custom item attributes to minecraft items (for once I feel I've accomplished something)! My computer cannot run MCedit with greater than .5 FPS, so I went messing around with NBTexplorer! Try this method in NBTedit/NBTexplorer instructions: 1.
How do I use an NBT editor to modify item properties?
2020年10月11日 · In Minecraft, the NBT (Named Binary Tag) format is used to store data of our Minecraft worlds, including block, entity, and item properties. In the Java Edition of Minecraft, you can modify this da...
NBT Editor for Windows and Mac - Minecraft Forum
2013年5月14日 · NBTExplorer is a low-level graphical NBT data editor similar to, inspired by, and based on NBTedit. The key difference is NBTExplorer's full support for Minecraft .mcr region files, and a directory-tree interface for easily exploring multiple worlds. NBTExplorer is built on top of Substrate. NBTExplorer can read: Standard NBT files (e.g. level.dat)
[Enchanting] [NBTedit] Custom Enchantments! [1/12/11]
2011年1月12日 · That's where this tutorial comes in. It uses a program called NBTedit (created by copyboy) to give you full control over your enchanting, without having to level grind. Enjoy! Requirements You will need:-A Minecraft level.dat file. (If you have a single player world, you have one of these.)-NBTedit. -The ability to follow simple instructions.
In-Game NBTEdit! Edit Mob Spawners & Attributes in game!
2014年9月8日 · I'm using mcpc+ running 65 mods and a number of bukkit plugins for 1.6.4. I'm the server owner I've opped myself in-game, added myself to the ops.txt file, I even set the oponly option in the config to false and went into creative mode.
Is it possible to enable/disable cheats on an existing ... - Arqade
On a multiplayer server: On a multiplayer server, players can use cheats if they are a server operator. To make a player an operator:
I figured out how to use NBTedit on infdev! - Minecraft Forum
2010年5月22日 · 3. Open NBTedit. 4. Find and open the file named Level.dat. (This should be in the first folder you open) 5. Go to the folder (In NBTedit) named Data. 6. Open player (Though this does not have the thing called 'Local Player' it is still it) 7. ??? 8. Visit the same forum to learn how to open it again, follow the instructions 9. Profit
Universal Minecraft Editor (Complete NBT Editor+) FREE
2022年6月13日 · Universal Minecraft Editor A complete PC (Java) NBT editor+ MCModTool.com 6 supported platforms! (but we will only talk about PC and PE to r