NBU日志清除办法 - #东来# - 博客园
2017年7月26日 · “/usr/openv/logs”是NBU默认统一日志记录存放的位置。 “/usr/openv/netbackup/logs”是NBU排除日志存放位置。 实际上NBU还有很多不常用的日志。 Configuration settings for originator 112, of product 51,216... 默认设置的情况 “DebugLevel = 1 ”,“DiagnosticLevel = 6”。 但如果备份的数据量极大也会造成日志量极大,在这种情况下可以把“DebugLevel”和“DiagnosticLevel”设置为0。
常用下载-宁波大学 视觉形象识别系统 - vi.nbu.edu.cn
校徽规范-宁波大学 视觉形象识别系统 - nbu.edu.cn
附件下载. A1_07校徽禁止使用形式.zip; A1_06校徽安全空间.zip; A1_05校徽最小使用规范.zip; A1_04校徽墨稿与反白稿.zip; A1_03.2校徽制图及视觉修正2.ai.zip
宁波大学 视觉形象识别系统
Ningbo University - nbu.edu.cn
Zhu Da, Chancellor of NBU, Led a Delegation to Visit Universities in Spain and Italy; Vice President Dai Shixun Visited the Table Tennis Team of Northern Lights Confucius Institute, Iceland; A Delegation Led by the Vice President of Szczecin University, Poland Visited …
University of North Bengal
2025年1月15日 · Phone: +91 353 2776331 / 2699008 ; Fax: +91 353 2776313 / 2699001 ; Email: [email protected]; Location: Raja Rammohunpur, P.O. - N.B.U., District-Darjeeling, PIN ...
NBU Logo
NBU scarves and ties feature University colors of dark blue and gold and bear its logo. NBU scarves come in a variety of shades and sizes but always display the NBU logo. Medallions with the NBU logo are part of academic dress for the Rector and the Deans of NBU Schools.
University of North Bengal - Wikipedia
The University of North Bengal (also North Bengal University, abbreviated as NBU) is a public state university in the North Bengal region of West Bengal, India. Its main campus is located in Raja Rammohanpur, Siliguri, Darjeeling district, in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Nbu - Logos
10 Nbu Logos ranked in order of popularity and relevancy. At LogoLynx.com find thousands of logos categorized into thousands of categories.
为增强形象辨识度,NBA 48年来第一次更新 logo 设计 - 知乎
2019年1月1日 · NBA的标志由红、白、蓝三种颜色构成,这次LOGO调整上,图案的整体保持不变,但是字体和颜色发生了变化。 LOGO里面的NBA字母将用于为联盟定制的Action字体的修改版本。 更高,更瘦的字体来展现NBA比赛及其运动员的风貌。 新版二级 logo. 旧版二级 logo. LOGO的颜色使用具有更丰富的红和蓝色调,以提高NBA的视觉资产。 而且横版LOGO的图形中去掉了左下角的“NBA”文字。 让 LOGO男 看起来有更大的空间施展球技。 NBA 联盟通行证. NBA TV. …
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