University symbols - New bulgarian university - About NBU
NBU scarves and ties feature University colors of dark blue and gold and bear its logo. NBU scarves come in a variety of shades and sizes but always display the NBU logo. Medallions with the NBU logo are part of academic dress for the Rector and the Deans of NBU Schools.
宁波大学信息门户 - nbu.edu.cn
NBU日志清除办法 - #东来# - 博客园
2017年7月26日 · “/usr/openv/logs”是NBU默认统一日志记录存放的位置。 “/usr/openv/netbackup/logs”是NBU排除日志存放位置。 实际上NBU还有很多不常用的日志。 Configuration settings for originator 112, of product 51,216... 默认设置的情况 “DebugLevel = 1 ”,“DiagnosticLevel = 6”。 但如果备份的数据量极大也会造成日志量极大,在这种情况下可以把“DebugLevel”和“DiagnosticLevel”设置为0。
宁波大学统一身份认证 - nbu.edu.cn
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File : NBU logo.svg - Wikimedia
2023年10月18日 · Українська: Логотип Національного банку України. Note that drafts of anything that falls under sections (d) and (e), unless officially approved, are under copyright. Click on a date/time to view the file as it appeared at that time. Розмір. You cannot overwrite this file. The following 2 pages use this file: The following other wikis use this file:
File:NBU logo.svg - Wikipedia
Українська: Логотип Національного банку України. This English translation of the template is outdated. Please update it from the latest українська version, and remove the { {Outdated translation}} tag after the update. If there is any inconsistency between English translation and other ones, the latest українська version takes precedence.
NEW BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY . Created Date: 2/17/2016 4:22:18 PM
International Student Management System - Ningbo University
Нов български университет - За НБУ - nbu.bg
Логото на НБУ символизира четящия човек. Знакът на НБУ се поставя върху дипломите на студентите, университетския печат, наградата на ректора, медалите на почетните доктори, всички почетни сертификати, изданията на НБУ. Девизът на НБУ Ne varietatem timeamus е създаден от основателя на Университета проф.
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