NC (Not Connected) Terminal of a Chip - Learning about …
So what is the NC terminal for? NC terminals are created just for filler space. DIP chips are not made with an odd number of pins. The LM741 Op amp, for example, only has 7 useful pins. The 8th pin, the NC terminal, is created just so that there can be an even amount of pins.
NC Pins in Integrated Circuits – SnapMagic Blog - SnapEDA Blog
2020年10月5日 · NC pins, also called unconnected or no-connect pins, are IC terminals with no internal connection and no external function. These are some of the most commonly used pin names for unconnected pins and how you’ll find them in component datasheets:
Why do ICs have NC (No Connection or No Function) pins?
2015年10月11日 · There will be a part that has 4, 6, 8 outputs of something, but are all offered in similar if not the same package, probably even the same pinout. What happens is, the silicon for the 4 output devices is the exact same as in an 8 output, …
传感器中的NC引脚和DNC引脚的区别 - CSDN博客
NC是NOT CONNECTED的缩写,即空脚。 芯片中NC引脚没有任何用途,只是限于封装形式,该引脚必须存在。 例:三个框图都是相同功能的集成运放,左边的图8个管脚都被用到,无NC管脚;右边和下边的图示,也只有8个管脚是有用的,多余的都是NC。 转载自: 空脚_百度 ...
NC是空脚,它的作用是什么呢? - CSDN博客
2015年7月28日 · NC是英文normally close的缩写,意思是指在不通电时处于闭合导通状态的触点,通常称为常闭触点。常开的符号是NO,英文名称为normal open,对应的英文字母“open”的首个字母O
Cadecn17.4 PCB绘制中,悬空(NC)管脚怎么处理,需要连线接地 …
2024年10月21日 · 目前我用到的芯片,芯片的数据手册写道这个NC pin 是Test pin, 它的备注是工厂测试芯片专用pin;所以,这样我不知道是不是需要做接地处理。 我自己查询资料是:1,如果是芯片的输入Pin, 详情 回复 发表于 2024-10-23 11:07
LM741 Op Amp Pinout Connections - Learning about Electronics
In this article, we will explain the LM741 Pinout Connections. A LM741 is a 8-pin op amp, meaning it has 8 pins all having their different functions. Below is the pinout diagram of a LM741 Op amp chip: Pin 1: Offset Null - This is the pin where we add voltage to if …
Should NC-Pins of IC connected to ground through a resistor to …
It depends on the characteristics of the pin. If the datasheet marks the pin as N/C or "do not connect" then don't make any connection. Outputs in general should be left floating. For input pins you need to refer to the datasheet's recommendations.
NC pins - connect to GND or VCC - nesdev.org
2021年6月6日 · Additionally, if you're projecting a PCB that will be manufactured in many copies, have in mind that for example A21 for 29LV320 (4MB) = NC, but for 29LV640 (8 MB) it is normal input pin. At some point of your manufacturing you might consider switching from 320 to 640 (because of price or lack in stocks) so even if you're not planning to use ...
Why do they put 'NC' pins on chips? - Page 1 - EEVblog
2015年7月23日 · Simply because the embedded tuning fork crystal doesn't fit into an 8-pins SOIC. That crystal is housed in a separate evacuated vacuum cavity. The newer "M" version uses a MEMS resonator (which is a lot smaller) and does come in an 8-pins package as well: http://www.maximintegrated.com/en/products/digital/real-time-clocks/DS3231M.html