NC GangNET is a database that has a web based capability of allowing certified users to enter and/or view information on gang suspects and members that have been validated as such using standardized criteria. The system is governed by state and federal regulations that dictate the use of the information in intelligence databases.
Since 1997 the North Carolina Criminal Justice Analysis Center (NCCJAC) of the Governor’s Crime Commission (GCC) has investigated and published more than a dozen reports on the existence and extent of criminal gangs in North Carolina.
Map of North Carolina Hoods (Tour of North Carolina Gangs)
Take a brief journey through the streets where North Carolina gangs in Asheville, Winston-Salem, High Point, Greensboro, Raleigh, Durham, and several smaller cities within the state roam. While often overshadowed by larger cities in terms of notoriety, North Carolina houses numerous neighborhoods that are all unique with their own stories and ...
Gangs, and young gang members, are a problem in North Carolina …
2024年6月6日 · There is no doubt that gang violence, gang crime, is a problem, both nationwide and in North Carolina. A 2022 North Carolina Department of Public Safety report identified more than 200...
NCGIA - Home
The NCGIA is an association of law enforcement and criminal justice professionals who are dedicated to the prevention of gang-related activity within the state of North Carolina.
CJAC Gang-Related Research | NC DAC - NC.gov
The Criminal Justice Analysis Center (CJAC) has conducted research and analysis of criminal gang activity in North Carolina since 1997. The first comprehensive statewide assessment of gang activity was published in 2000 with multiple reports since that time.
What is a gang? May have a common name, common identifying sign or symbol. NC GS § 14-50.16. Pattern of criminal street gang activity... Cont.
NC GangNET is a web based database housed on a secure server and managed by the North Carolina State Highway Patrol GangNET Project team. This team instructs sworn law enforcement officers statewide to certify users in laws and …
NC gang activity | Street gangs growing, carrying more powerful …
2023年3月2日 · Recent crime reports found that there are an estimated 14,000 gang members in North Carolina, with an average age of 18-25. Wake County reportedly has the highest concentration of gang...
Gangs in North Carolina: An Analysis of GangNET Data
The vast majority of gangs and individuals within the NC GangNET system are members of what are called street gangs, as opposed to motorcycle clubs or a White supremacist group. The proliferation of gangs in North Carolina has led to the formation of a gang task force within the Governor's Crime Commission.