North Carolina Immunization Registry (NCIR) | Division of
North Carolina Immunization Registry NCIR stores official immunization records created by providers and from NC Vital Records data. This secure, web-based clinical tool replaces handwritten charting of immunizations administered in the state. Vaccine providers may access all recorded immunizations administered in our state.
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Contact your Regional Immunization Program Consultant (RIC) The RIC Coverage Map with contact information is located on the Immunization Branch website: https://www.immunize.nc.gov/contacts.htm
How to get a copy of your immunizations records in NC | Charlotte Observer
2022年8月24日 · In North Carolina, healthcare providers have access to the North Carolina Immunization Registry (NCIR), a secure, web-based clinical registry that keeps North Carolina …
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NC Immunization Branch | Division of Public Health - NCDHHS
Access NCIR and the latest information, guides, training and more. Intended for provider use only. Find rates for vaccinations and exemptions in NC communities, regions and schools. The Immunization Branch promotes public health and ensures equitable access to vaccines.
Public Health Reporting | NC HIEA
Learn how to connect to NCIR via NC Health Exchange. Electronic reporting from laboratories to the N.C. Division of Public Health of laboratory reports that identify required reportable …
科学网— [转载]青岛大学孙建坤团队:Ir纳米团簇分散于ZIF-8衍生 …
2024年4月9日 · 经ZIF-8退火处理的氮掺杂碳骨架(NC)作为碳源,通过浸渍还原法成功地将Ir 纳米团簇均匀负载在NC上,形成了Ir@NC催化剂。 NC具有三维多孔结构,有利于暴露更多的活性金属位点,而Ir纳米团簇与NC之间的协同效应有效地调节了Ir的电子结构,从而优化了析氢反应过程。 与商业化的Pt/C相比,Ir@NC催化剂在酸性条件下表现出更高的催化活性,仅需23 mV的过电位就能够实现10 mA cm-2的电流密度。 同时,Ir@NC还表现出较低的塔菲尔斜率(25.8 mV …
Filing Topics - NCDOR
Federal Adjusted Gross Income - Starting Point for N.C. Return North Carolina Standard Deduction or Itemized Deductions Bailey Decision Concerning Federal, State, and Local Retirement Benefits