NCCOTECH b-MOLA 空氣淨化機 | NCCO Tech官網
香港研發,擁有ncco專利科技的空氣淨化機。 氧聚解空氣清淨機推薦,功能全面剖析;空氣淨化器的專利技術,獲得醫療級認證和推介。 想要家居空氣清新?
NCCO Air - RHT Industries Ltd
Nano Confined Catalytic Oxidation(NCCO)納米氧聚解空氣淨化技術,屬於全新的空氣處理概念,研發目的是有感現時市場上普遍採用的空氣淨化技術,例如活性碳、光觸媒及負離子等,存在眾多不足之處。
RH220 - RHT Industries Ltd
This is the most established unit within our NCCO air filtration family and is a very practical mobile unit that can also be attached to ventilation ducting. It includes our world-wide patented NCCO technology and is ideal for the removal of odour, bacteria/viruses,VOCs and formaldehyde.
RH-220 - RHT Industries Ltd
Meet the most popular unit in the NCCO air filtration family, the RH-220. This practical mobile unit can also be attached to a ventilation system with its 125mm wide duct. It's perfect for offices where aesthetics matter, and it's already widely used by different sectors.
RH-490C - RHT International
RH-490C is manufactured with the world patented NCCO technology and is easily fixed to ceilings. No connection is required to ventilation systems for fume extraction from the ceiling space.
NCCO1803 Air Purifier - b-MOLA
Third layer:NCCO Reactor. Product Spec. Output Power (W): 1.3W-2.5W Air Volume (m3/h): 12-25 Sound pressure level(dB): 34-38 Dimensions(L x W x H)(mm): 160(L) x73(W) x 160(H) Weight(Kg): 0.81kg
空净技术大盘点!NCCO纳米氧聚解空气净化器成亮点! - 知乎
ncco氧聚解技术更是获得了德国莱茵tuv安全认证,技术被中国、美国、加拿大、欧洲、日本、中国香港6个国家和地区认可,并获得专利技术。 发布于 2021-05-14 17:23
购买B-mola NCCO1901 家用空气处理器 | FORTRESS 丰泽
ncco filter 怎么样? - 知乎
ncco技术是目前最好的空气净化技术了。 不接受反驳。 网上搜了一下,ncco filter 是滤芯的意思,就是ncco技术所用的滤芯,感觉挺好的呀,技术牛牛。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。 知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视、时尚、文化等领域最具创造 …
NCCO Air - RHT Industries Ltd
Nano-Confined Catalytic Oxidation (NCCO) is a new air treatment system produced to solve the issues in air purification technologies commonly used in the market. These technologies include activated carbon, photocatalyst and negative ions.