-XPS survey (a) and deconvoluted Nd 3d (b), O 1s (c), and C 1s …
... chemical state and the composition of the elements existing at the surface of the prepared neodymium oxalate have been investigated using the XPS technique. The survey XPS …
Neodymium Spectra – Nd native oxide - XPS Database
The XPS Spectra section provides raw and processed survey spectra, chemical state spectra, BE values, FWHM values, and overlays of key spectra. Atom% values from surveys are based on …
Neodymium | XPS Periodic Table | Thermo Fisher Scientific - US
Neodymium X-ray photoelectron spectra, neodymium electron configuration, and other elemental information. Collect both Nd3d and Nd4d regions to aid with data interpretation. There is a …
XPS characterization of single crystalline SrLaGa3O7:Nd
2013年10月15日 · Core-level XPS studies of single crystalline SrLaGa 3 O 7 (SLGO) doped with Nd have been performed for the first time. The detailed analysis of the main XPS core lines of …
钕 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
XPS 光谱解读. Nd3d 与 O KLL 峰干扰严重。 可以使用 Nd4d 峰 (120 eV),但 Nd4d 峰也可能与 Al2s 峰干扰。 基本信息说明. 常见氧化态:Nd(III) 金属状态的钕具有磁性
(a) Nd 3d, (b) Fe 2p, and (c) O 1s XPS spectra (red line) and ...
The Nd 3d XPS spectrum (Figure 3 a) shows two asymmetric peaks at binding energies (BEs) of 1002.5 and 980.4 eV, attributed to the 3d 5/2 and 3d 3/2 transitions, respectively, with …
Neodymium (Nd), Z=60 – The International XPS Database 1
The Basic XPS Information Section provides fundamental XPS spectra, BE values, FWHM values, BE tables, overlays of key spectra, histograms and a table of XPS parameters. The …
钕 | XPS周期表 | 赛默飞 | Thermo Fisher Scientific - CN
高分辨率 xps; 快速、高效、自动化的工作流程; 用于深度剖析的离子源
NdF3 – Neodymium Fluoride - The International XPS Database 1
The XPS Spectra section provides raw and processed survey spectra, chemical state spectra, BE values, FWHM values, and overlays of key spectra. Atom% values from surveys are based on …
XPS研究Nd表面氧化物的生长过程 - 物理学报
用X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)研究新鲜Nd表面在不同氧气和空气进气量的情况下,表面氧化物的生长过程.发现氧化层由氧化物、氢氧化物及表面化学吸附水三种成分,这三种成分的增加与进气量都 …